
Osaka Resources

Akagi, T. “Why Osaka is winning investment in Japan”. JLL The Investor, 2018.

Berg, N. “Raze, rebuild, repeat: why Japan knocks down its houses after 30 years”. The Guardian, 2017.

“City of Osaka port and harbour bureau outline” (n.d). Retrieved from City of Osaka Port and Harbour Bureau, May 4, 2020.

Diefendorf, J. “Wartime Destruction and the Postwar Cityscape”. In War and the Environment: Military Destruction in the Modern Age, Edited by Charles E. Closman, 171-92. Texas A&M University Press, 2009.   

Fischler, M.  “House hunting in Japan: A modern ski cabin in the woods”. New York Times, 2020. ern-ski-cabin-in-the-woods.html

“GPS data collection illegal without warrants, top court rules.”  Japan Times, March 15, 2017.

Harding, R.  “Osaka dreams big with 2025 World Expo and casino plans”. Financial Times, 2019.

Lewis, L. “Osaka police spark constitutional crisis by needling tattooists; Body art”. Financial Times (London, England). December 17, 2016 Saturday.

Mizuno, A.  “Overseas investors look to regional Japan”. JLL The Investor, 2017. japan/

Mizuuchi, T. “Postwar Transformation of Space and Urban Politics in the Inner-ring of Osaka”. In Critical and Radical Geographies of the social, the Spatial and the Political by Toshio Mizzuchi 107-131. Osaka City University, 2006.

“Police use of GPS to track suspects.” Japan Times, July31, 2016.

Sakaehara, T. “The port of Osaka: From ancient times to today”. In Port cities in Asia and Europe by Arndt Graf and Chua Beng Huat, 3-18. Routledge, 2008.

“Set rules on GPS data collection.” Japan Times, March 25, 2017.

Umeda, S. “Japan Supreme Court rules gps-based investigation requires warrant.” Library of Congress, 2017.

*Note: After finishing research for this project this source became unavailable from the Library of Congress while the link page does still appear on google when the title is searched*

Utting, G.”Bad smell of dishonesty taints Osaka police force”. The Toronto Star, July 7, 1988. FINAL EDITION.

White, S. “Tourism in Osaka, often overshadowed by Tokyo, is catching up”. Reuters, 2019.

“120 Interpretation Errors Found in Osaka Police Interrogation”. Jiji Press Ticker Service, May 24, 2017.

“1945”. In The Army Air Forces in World War II: Combat Chronology, 1941-1945, Compiled by, Kit C. Carter and Robert Mueller, 645-739. Center for Air Force History, 1991.

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