
by Yujin Zhou

  • Why Housing in Changsha Is So “Cheap”

           Expensive housing and rising prices of real estate have become a heavy burden on residents across the world. Among the global cities, however, housing prices in those of China…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Changsha: A Landscape of Consumption and Entertainment

    Changsha: A Landscape of Consumption and Entertainment

    Changsha: A Landscape of Consumption and Entertainment        During China’s Labor Day break, which is like Japan’s Golden Week, Changsha was ranked number six for the most popular travel destinations…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Fire and Blade: Changsha During the Second World War

    Fire and Blade: Changsha During the Second World War

           During the Second World War, Changsha was the most badly damaged city along with Stalingrad, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. It is also the first major world city that suffered total…
