
Singapore gained independence as a country in 1965. Prior, it spent time governed by Malaysia, Japan during an occupation in World War II, and a large amount of time under British colonial rule. Since 1965, the PAP (People’s Action Party) has remained the single-party power in government. Today, the country is home to some of the most advanced, entrepreneurial, and green cities in the world.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Singapore: An Introduction

    Singapore: An Introduction

    By Bobby Steer             Deliberate and calculated. After a semester of researching Singapore, these are the two words that stick out most when I think of the country. How could…

  • Squatter Cities and Megacities Week

    Singapore: Housing

    Questions: How do most citizens live? Do they own or rent? Do they mostly build their own houses, buy them, or are they provided? How does the government interact with…

  • City Narratives Week

    Singapore: City Narratives and Oral History

    Questions: How is Singapore’s history gathered through oral histories? Who archives and creates these oral histories? What do they tell us about the relationship between the archivist group and the…

  • Data Week

    Singapore: The City and Data Collection

    Questions: What is Singapore’s history of census-taking and surveying? Did it occur in colonial Singapore? How are those surveys taken now? What other types of data does the government collect…

  • Resources

    Singapore: Sources

    Aljazeera. “Vaccine Hesitancy Stirs in Nearly Covid-free Singapore.” Dec. 23, 2020. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from “Authority” of the PAP government. 2012. “Personal Data Protection Act 2012.” Singapore Statutes…
