Running Bibliography

Participants in “Modern Cities and Urbanism” kept a running bibliography of research of potential interest to the theme of each week in the syllabus. The entries below are grouped by city under the names of participants.


Session 2 (Sept. 8) The City as Ecosystem

William Allgood

Roberts, Jennifer D., Lindsey Rodkey, Cortney Grisham, and Rashawn Ray. “The Influence of Family Dog Ownership and Parental Perceived Built Environment Measures on Children’s Physical Activity within the Washington, DC Area.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 11 (11, 2017): 1398. doi:

  • The authors argue that parents who own dogs in Washington DC are more likely to perceive their urban environment as favorable to outdoor activity for children (roads with traffic under 30 mph, access to sidewalks, and proximity to trails and parks.)  This positive perception encourages parents to let their children conduct physical activity outdoors and theoretically combat obesity.  I found it interesting that dogs could change our perceptions of our urban environment. 

Yujin Zhou

傅逸舟.热岛长沙——从城市降温到全局生态 (Heat Island Changsha ——from Urban Hypothermia to Systematic Ecosystem )[J].绿色环保建材,2021(02):75-76.

This is an interesting and brief piece published this year that investigates the cause of urban heat island in Changsha and possible ways to solve it. The British Lake Howard first discovered the urban heat island phenomenon in 1833 and this concept was introduced by Gordon Manley in 1958. The change of land surface from green space to urban areas, combined with waste heat generated by energy usage, makes the temperature of urban centres significantly higher than that of suburban surroundings. This is further confounded by the fact that Changsha is located at the river basin of Xiang and suffers from an extremely humid condition. Temperature-wise, in ninety-four days of one year Changsha measures more than 86 °F and the average figure of August is higher than 95 °F.

The author makes an analogy between urban environments and human bodies. He argues that human bodies are able to self-regulate temperature because there is a healthy balance between heat production and heat dissipation. This healthy balance, however, is absent in urban Changsha. This analogy is comparable to the urban ecology idea that Melosi has introduced in his piece. One way to tackle the problem of urban heat island, the author suggests, is to deal with the traffic congestion problem by utilizing the most innovative technology. For example, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that was recently implemented in Changsha. However, the author asserts that what is more important is to devise effective systems of transportation, greenway, and wind path as an overall solution to the urban heat island problem. This line of thinking corresponds to what Melosi, Douglas, Hodgson, and Lawson have presented in their works.

Rachel Wong

Hasibuan, Hayati Sari, Tresna P. Soemardi, Raldi Koestoer, Setyo Moersidik. “The Role of Transit Oriented Development in Constructing Urban Environment Sustainability, the case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia.” Procedia Environmental Sciences 20 (2014):622-631. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2014.03.075

  • The authors argue that the rapid urbanization of the Jabodetabek metropolitan region, which includes Jakarta and neighboring cities, has resulted in a steep increase in carbon emissions primarily from the transportation sector. The widespread use of various transportation modes has in turn allowed more workers to commute into Jarkarta and reside further from the CBD, developing a corridor of urban and peri-urban areas.

Ruhao Wen

Kozlov, Mikhail V.. “Changes in Distribution of an Archaic Moth, Micropterix calthella, in St

            Petersburg, Russia, between 1989 and 2005.” Journal of Biogeography 34, no. 2

            (February 2007): 231-236.

This is not a historical paper but a scientific paper instead. However, it is very interesting since the topic is relevant to our theme this week. The purpose of the writing is to research on the changes in number of suitable habitats and habitat occupancy by the moths named Micropterix calthella, or M. calthella. Kozlov found that both the amount of suitable habitats and the occupied habitats had decreased between 1989 and 2005, and the main reasons that caused this reduction in habitats were the construction of residential blocks and railway renovation. This discovery led him to conclude that eventually there would be no M. calthella moths in the city of St. Petersburg. The article attracted my attention because it shows the impact of a city on insects, and how it continuously changes the surrounding.

Juliana Kogan

Davies, Thom. “A Visual Geography of Chernobyl: Double Exposure.” International Labor and Working-Class History, Fall 2013, No. 84 Special Issue: Crumbling Cultures: Deindustrialization, Class, and Memory, pp. 116-139

This article acts as an ethnography/ analysis of the fallout of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl and its impact on northern Ukrainian cities on the edge of the Exclusion Zone.

Chernobyl marked a turning point in Ukraine’s industrialization during the Soviet era, as a build up in energy and nuclear development during the Cold War symbolically culminated in a dangerous, uncontrollable power surge. The urban landscape was thrust into a period of “deindustrialization”, as the economy needed to become an informal one

and those living in Kyiv and other surrounding areas were forced to evacuate their homes and be rehoused with poor accommodations, as well as be exposed to numerous health risks.

The article makes an interesting emphasis on the “invisible” nature of nuclear fallout on cities and people’s lives. A once booming economic sector for the Soviet Union had to go dark, and society became “invisible” for a time as a means to avoid exposure to radiation. The photographs included in the article paint a haunting picture of destroyed homes, disrupted industries, and the silence resulting from a death toll of thousands of people.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Gonzalez, Victor H. “Dos Especies Nuevas De Abejas (Hymenoptera) De La Ciudad De Bogotá

(Colombia)/Two New Bee Species (Hymenoptera) from Bogotá City (Colombia).” Revista Colombiana De Entomología 32, no. 1 (2006): 93-96.

Written by evolutionary biologist and ethnoentomologist Dr. Victor Gonzales, this article focuses on the deliberation around two new species of bees found in the urban setting of Bogotá, Colombia. A particularly interesting topic within this article is the type of body shape displayed by Lasioglossum (Dialictus) urbanus (urbanus being chosen due to the location where the new variation of the Lasioglossum bees are found, Bogotá) is smaller and sports a different color and brightness pattern than other Andean bees. The author does not attempt to answer the reason why a new set of bee species began to become dominant variants in Bogotá, but Gonzalez does call for further investigations into the reasoning why this may have occurred and noted his disappointment with the lack of urban-centered entomology.

Colleen Dougherty

Maw, Peter, Terry Wyke, and Alan Kidd. “Canals, Rivers, and the Industrial City: Manchester’s

Industrial Waterfront, 1790-18501.” The Economic History Review 65, no. 4 (2011):

1495-523. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0289.2011.00609.x.

Taelor Logan

Jacobs, A., 2021. Planning for a Vibrant Central City: A Case for Nagoya, Japan. [online] ResearchGate. Available at:

Josephine Kim

Hautamäki, Ranja. “Constructing the Green Wedge in the Planning Discourse – a Case Study of Central Park in Helsinki, Finland.” Landscape research 46.6 (2021): 878–893. Web.

Klein, Johannes, Raine Mäntysalo, and Sirkku Juhola. “Legitimacy of Urban Climate Change

Adaptation: a Case in Helsinki.” Regional environmental change 16.3 (2016): 815–826. Web.

Laakkonen, Simo, and Sari Laurila. “Changing Environments or Shifting Paradigms? Strategic Decision Making Toward Water Protection in Helsinki, 1850–2000.” AMBIO 36.2 (2007): 212–219. Web.

Reynolds, Elizabeth. Underground Urbanism. Milton: Routledge, 2020.

This book offers a new perspective on cities. Reynolds looks at cities truly from the ground up, not only the train tunnels, pipes, and building foundations, but also other underground spaces. Helsinki is one of the cities studied.

Ruth, Olli. “The Effects of de-Icing in Helsinki Urban Streams, Southern Finland.” Water

science and technology 48.9 (2003): 33–43. Web.

Saikkonen, Paula. “From Unknown Problem to an Acknowledged Local Environmental

Problem a Case of Polluted Soil in the City of Helsinki.” Local environment 18.8

(2013): 888–903.Web.

Schonach, Paula. “Historical Paths of Environmental Injustice: a Century of Placing Industrial Facilities in Helsinki, Finland.” Local environment 21.4 (2016): 397–413. Web.

Uffelen, Chris van. Green City Spaces : Urban Landscape Architecture . Salenstein: Braun,


Vadén, T et al. “To Continue to Burn Something? Technological, Economic and Political Path

Dependencies in District Heating in Helsinki, Finland.” Energy research & social

science 58 (2019): 101270–. Web.

Yli-Pelkonen, V, and J Niemela. “Use of Ecological Information in Urban Planning: Experiences

from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland.” Urban Ecosystems 9, no. 3 (2006): 211–26.

As the title suggests, this paper focuses on the relationship between ecology and urban planning. Various planners and ecologists from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are interviewed to identify the ecological information and challenges when it comes to merging their research. I chose this article because it directly addresses the city as an ecosystem.

Yli-Pelkonen, Vesa. “Importance of Recreational Ecosystem Services in Helsinki, Finland.” Management

of Environmental Quality 24, no. 3 (2013): 365–82.

Idalia Zavala-Mejia

Civerolo, Kevin, Christian Hogrefe, Barry Lynn, Joyce Rosenthal, Jia-Yeong Ku, William Solecki, Jennifer Cox et al. “Estimating the effects of increased urbanization on surface meteorology and ozone concentrations in the New York City metropolitan region.” Atmospheric environment 41, no. 9 (2007): 1803-1818.

Harris, Stephen E., Alexander T. Xue, Diego Alvarado-Serrano, Joel T. Boehm, Tyler Joseph, Michael J. Hickerson, and Jason Munshi-South. “Urbanization shapes the demographic history of a native rodent (the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus) in New York City.” Biology letters 12, no. 4 (2016): 20150983.

Solecki, William D, and Robin M Leichenko. “Urbanization and the Metropolitan Environment: Lessons from New York and Shanghai.” Environment : Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 48, no. 4 (2006): 8–23.

Session 3 (Sept. 15) The City as Ordered Universe

Juliana Kogan

Bilensky, Serhiy. “Planning a New City: Empire Transforms Space, 1835–1870.” Imperial

Urbanism in the Borderlands: Kyiv, 1800 – 1905, 165-99. Toronto; Buffalo; London:

University of Toronto Press, 2018. Accessed September 12, 2021.

Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian. “The Center of Kyiv.” In Kyiv, Ukraine: The City of Domes and

Demons from the Collapse of Socialism to the Mass Uprising of 2013-2014, 153-90.

Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016. Accessed September 12, 2021.

Dronova, Olena, and Stanley D Brunn. “How Neoliberal Globalization Processes Are

Transforming Kyiv’s Nodal Areas.” Urbani izziv 29.2 (2018): 96–110. Web.

Frolic, B. Michael. “The Soviet City.” The Town Planning Review 34, no. 4 (1964):

285-306. Accessed September 12, 2021.

Бетлий, Олена. «Киев – город проблемных идентичностей». Города империи в годы

Великой войны и революции: сборник статей. Russia: Nestor-Istorii︠a︡, 2017.

William Allgood

Salmon, Myrene. “L’Enfant and The Planning of Washington, D.C.” History Today 26, Iss. 11 (November 1976): 699-706. (accessed September 8, 2021).

Berg, Scott C. Grand Avenues: the Story of Pierre Charles L’Enfant, the French Visionary who Designed Washington, D.C. New York: Vintage Books, 2008.

Bednar, Michael J. L’Enfant’s Legacy: Public Open Spaces in Washington D.C. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

Corrigan, Mary Beth and Howard Gillette. Southern City, National Ambition: The Growth of Early Washington, D.C., 1800-1860. Washington: George Washington University, 1995.

Colleen Dougherty

Gregory, Richard A. Roman Manchester: The University of Manchester’s Excavations within the

Vicus 2001-5. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2007.

Leary-Owin, Michael Edema. Exploring the Production of Urban Space: Differential Space in

Three Post-Industrial Cities. 1st ed. Bristol University Press, 2016. *Chapters 6&7*

Kaźmierczak, Aleksandra. “The Contribution of Local Parks to Neighbourhood Social Ties.”

Landscape and Urban Planning 109, no. 1 (2013): 31-44.


Redhead, Norman. “Manchester – History – A Guide to Mamucium.” BBC. October 4, 2008.


While, Aidan, and Michael Short. “Place Narratives and Heritage Management: The Modernist

Legacy in Manchester.” Area 43, no. 1 (March 2011): 4-11.


Young, Craig, Martina Diep, and Stephanie Drabble. “Living with Difference? The Cosmopolitan

City and Urban Reimaging in Manchester, UK.” Urban Studies 43, no. 10 (2006):

1687-714. doi:10.1080/00420980600888486.

Rachel Wong

Miller, Michelle Ann. “Decentralizing Indonesian City Spaces as New ‘Centers’” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37.3 (2013): 834–848. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2013.01209.x

Salim, Wilmar, Delike Hudalah, Tommy Firman. “Spatial planning and urban development in Jarkarta’s Metropolitan Area.” In Jakarta: Claiming Spaces and Rights in the City, edited by Jörgen Hellman, Marie Thynell, Roanne van Voorst, 58-74. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Silver, Christopher. Planning the Megacity: Jakarta in the Twentieth Century. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2007.

Silver, Christopher. “Waterfront Jakarta: The battle for the future of the metropolis.” In Jakarta: Claiming Spaces and Rights in the City, edited by Jörgen Hellman, Marie Thynell, Roanne van Voorst, 120-137. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Harry He

Li, Leah Cheung Ah. Where the Past Meets the Future: The Politics of Heritage in Xi’an. Münster, Zürich: Lit-Verlag, 2019.

Wei, Yan, Yue Wang, and Feng-Fan Yang. “Research on Industrialized Spatial Features of Xi’an Modern City.” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Beijing, 2015, 121-126. Beijing: CRC Press.

Will, Pierre-Étienne. “Xi’an, 1900-1940: From Isolated Backwater to Resistance Center.” In New Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities: Emerging Social, Legal and Governance Orders, edited by Billy K. L. So and Madeleine Zelin, 223-274. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Chen, Xiaofei. “Looking into the Supergrid and Superblock Structure in Chinese Cities: Taking Xi’an and Nanjing as Examples.” In Chinese Urban Planning and Construction: From Historical Wisdom to Modern Miracles, edited by Lanchun Bian, Yan Tang, and Zhenjiang Shen, 37-62. Springer, n.d.

Sit, Victor F S. Chinese City and Urbanism: Evolution and Development. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010.

Lewis, Mark Edward. China’s Cosmopolitan Empire: The Tang Dynasty. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2009.

Heng, Chye Kiang. Cities of Aristocrats and Bureaucrats: the Development of Medieval Chinese Cities. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1999.

Bray, David. Social Space and Governance in Urban China: the Danwei System from Origins to Reform. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005.

Shuang Peng

Dong, Madeleine Yue. Republican Beijing: The City and Its Histories. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 

Hou, Renzhi. A Historical Geography of Peiping. Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. 

Naquin, Susan. Peking: Temples and City Life, 1400-1900. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. 

Qu, Wanlin. “Controversy and Results: History Review on Beijing’s Wall after the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China,” Social Science of Beijing, no. 4 (2005): 62-70. CNKI.

Sirén, Osvald.The Walls and Gates of Peking: Researches and Impressions. London: The Bodley Head Limited, 1924.

Wang, Jun. Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2011.

Jane Zhang

Farris, Johnathan Andrew. Enclave to Urbanity: Canton, Foreigners, and Architecture from the Late Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries. 1st ed. Hong Kong University Press, 2016.

Poon, Shuk-Wah. “Religion, Modernity, and Urban Space: The City God Temple in Republican Guangzhou.” Modern China 34, no. 2 (2008): 247–75.

Zhang, Jun. “Materializing a Form of Urban Governance: When Street Building Intersected with City Building in Republican Canton (Guangzhou), China.” History & Technology 33, no. 2 (June 2017): 153–74. doi:10.1080/07341512.2017.1348440.

Liang, Samuel Y. “Planning and Its Discontents: Contradictions and Continuities in Remaking China’s Great Cities, 1950–2010.” Urban History 40, no. 3 (2013): 530–53.

See-Chen Chang. Two Decades of Planning Guangzhou, 1918-1938: The Advent of Modern City Planning in China in the Early-Twentieth Century. BiblioBazaar, 2017.

Dickie, Francis. “THE REBIRTH OF CANTON, CHINA.” Current History (1916-1940) 16, no. 3 (1922): 426–33.

  Fu, Chonglan, Wenming Cao, Zhihong Huang, and Qian Li. An Urban History of China . Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

  Heng, Chye Kiang. Cities of Aristocrats and Bureaucrats : the Development of Medieval Chinese Cities . Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 1999.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Borén, Thomas. Meeting Places of Transformation: Urban Identity, Spatial Representations and Local Politics in St. Petersburg, Russia. New York: Ibidem Press, 2009.

Hassell, James. “The Planning of St. Petersburg.” The Historian 36, no. 2 (February 1974): 248-263.

Staub, Alexandra. “St. Petersburg’s Double Life: The Planners’ versus the People’s City.” Journal of Urban History 31, no. 3 (March 2005): 334-354. DOI:                                               10.1177/0096144204272418.

Vaytens, Andrey, Gennadiy Rusanov, and Pavel Skryabin. “Evolution of High-rise Construction

in Leningrad – Saint Petersburg in the Middle of the 20th – Early 21st Centuries: Projects

and Implementation.” E3S Web of Conferences 33, 01030 (2018): 1-12.


Taelor Logan

Benesch, O. (2018). Castles and the Militarization of Urban Society in Imperial Japan. Royal Historical Society (London, England). Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 28, 107-134. doi:

Eyre, J., 1982. Nagoya: The Changing Geography of a Japanese Regional Metropolis. Chapel Hill, N.C: Dep. of Geogr., Univ. of North Carolina.

Hall, John Whitney. “The Castle Town and Japan’s Modern Urbanization.” The Far Eastern Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 1, Association for Asian Studies, 1955, pp. 37–56,

Jacobs, A., 2021. Planning for a Vibrant Central City: A Case for Nagoya, Japan. [online] ResearchGate. Available at:

Idalia Zavala-Mejia

Grant, Jill. “The Dark Side of the Grid: Power and Urban Design.” Planning Perspectives 16, no. 3 (2001): 219–41.

Koeppel, Gerard. City on a grid: how New York became New York. Da Capo Press, 2015.

Lopez, Bianca, Christopher Kennedy, and Timon McPhearson. “Parks are Critical Urban Infrastructure: Perception and Use of Urban Green Spaces in NYC During COVID-19.” (2020).

Josephine Kim

  Ameel, Lieven. “Towards a Narrative Typology of Urban Planning Narratives for, in and of Planning in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki.” Urban Design International (London, England) 22, no. 4 (2017): 318–30.

This article is about narrative theory. I expect this concept to be useful in explaining Helsinki’s urban changes of the past decade, and insightful when thinking comparatively alongside other neighboring Northern European cities or relevant case studies.

Faehnle, Maija, Pia Bäcklund, and Liisa Tyrväinen. “Looking for the Role of Nature Experiences in

Planning and Decision Making: a Perspective from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.”

Sustainability : Science, Practice, & Policy 7, no. 1 (2011): 45–55.           

 Horelli, Liisa, Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Sirkku Wallin, and Andrea Botero. “When Self-Organization

Intersects with Urban Planning: Two Cases from Helsinki.” Planning, Practice & Research 30,

no. 3 (2015): 286–302.

I chose this article because it juxtaposes two cases and different agents of change. It also narrates the process of bottom-up culture and consequences of local co-governing urban space.

Krivy, Maros. “Don’t Plan! The Use of the Notion of ‘Culture’ in Transforming Obsolete Industrial Space.”

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37, no. 5 (2013): 1724–46.

Kujala, Antti. “The Breakdown of a Society: Finland in the Great Northern War 1700-1714.” Scandinavian

journal of history 25.1-2 (2000): 69–86. Web.

Moll, Veera, and Hanna Kuusi. “From City Streets to Suburban Woodlands: The Urban Planning Debate on Children’s Needs, and Childhood Reminiscences, of 1940s–1970s Helsinki.” Urban History 48, no. 1 (2019): 1–18.

As the title suggests, this article is not only about the urban planning debate, but also childhood memories. Amidst rapid urbanization post-WWII, planning professionals placed an emphasis on shaping space for family and children. I think this study will help me consider what kinds of meanings related to identity and belonging the city of Helsinki intended to encode into its spatial structure.

Yujin Zhou

Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China. Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Liu, S., & Zhu, S. Y. (2014). Research on influencing factors of urban color – taking changsha as an example. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 675-677, 1279-1282. doi:

长沙通史(现代卷). N.p.: BEIJING BOOK CO. INC., 2013.

湖南经济通史(现代卷). N.p.: BEIJING BOOK CO. INC., 2013.

Xu Zhou, Tayuki Ikeda, and Hiroko Oro. “中国 ・長沙市歴史地区の開発事業における景観整備計画と行政誘導に関する研究(A Study on the Landscape Maintenance Plan and Administration Instruction in Redevelopment of Historical District of China )”Journal of Architecture and Planning 622 (2007): 161-167.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Rodríguez Gallo, Lorena. “La Construcción Del Paisaje Agrícola Prehispánico En Los Andes

Colombianos: El Caso de La Sabana de Bogotá.” Spal (Sevilla) 1, no. 28 (2019): 


Garzón, C., and S. Flórez. “Aerial photographs uncover Bogotá’s Indigenous hydraulic

system.” Eos, 102. 05 March 2021. Accessed September 13, 2021.

Gallini, Stefania, and Carolina Castro Osorio. “Modernity and the Silencing of Nature in

Nineteenth-Century Maps of Bogotá.” Journal of Latin American Geography 14, no. 3 (2015): 91–125.

Kit Evans

​​Hoyle, Brian. “Urban Renewal in East African Port Cities: Mombasa’s Old Town Waterfront.” GeoJournal 53, no. 2 (2001): 183–97.

Morrison, Hunter. “Popular Housing Systems in Mombasa and Nairobi, Kenya.” Ekistics 38, no. 227 (1974): 277–80.

King’Oriah, G. K. “HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL IMPACTS OF THE CITY STRUCTURE OF MOMBASA, KENYA.” Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 2, no. 1 (1990): 60–60.

Jordan Sand

An interesting short piece on a current project pertinent to today’s theme.

Session 4 (Sept. 22) The City Under Threat 1—War

Juliana Kogan

Balfour, Rosa, et al. The Changing Landscape of Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership. German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2020,

Hamm, Michael F. “The Final Years of Romanov Kiev.” Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917, Princeton University Press, 1993, pp. 208–22,

Hosa, Joanna, and Andrew Wilson. ZELENSKY UNCHAINED: WHAT UKRAINE’S NEW POLITICAL ORDER MEANS FOR ITS FUTURE. European Council on Foreign Relations, 2019,

​​Karatnycky, Adrian. “Letter from Kiev: On Independence Square.” The American Scholar, vol. 74, no. 2, The Phi Beta Kappa Society, 2005, pp. 6–9,

Maiorov, Alexander V.  “The Mongolian Capture of Kiev: The Two Dates.” The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 94, no. 4, [Modern Humanities Research Association, University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London], 2016, pp. 702–14,

Pinkham, S. (2016). Black Square: Adventures in post-Soviet Ukraine. W.W. Norton & Company.

Stahel, David. Kiev 1941 : Hitler’s Battle for Supremacy in the East, Cambridge University Press, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Surh, Gerald. “The Role of Civil and Military Commanders During the 1905 Pogroms in Odessa and Kiev.” Jewish Social Studies, vol. 15, no. 3, Indiana University Press, 2009, pp. 39–55,

Van der Pijl, Kees. “From the Maidan Revolt to Regime Change.” Flight MH17, Ukraine and the New Cold War: Prism of Disaster, Manchester University Press, 2018, pp. 69–98,

Colleen Dougherty

Dodge, Martin. “Smoke Free Zone: Healthier Modern Cities – Cleaning the Air Smoke Control in

Post War Manchester.” The Modernist (Salford) 26:4-7.

Dodge, Martin. “Manchester Education Precinct Report, 1967.” Issuu.

Hylton, Stuart. A History of Manchester. Chichester: Phillimore, 2003.

Kitchen, Ted. “The Future of Development Plans: Reflections on Manchester’s Experiences

1945-1995.” Town Planning Review 67, no. 3 (1996): 331-53.


Perkins, Chris, and Martin Dodge. “Mapping the Imagined Future: The Roles of Visual

Representation in the 1945 City of Manchester Plan.” Bulletin of the John Rylands

Library 89, no. 1 (2012): 247-76. doi:10.7227/bjrl.89.1.10.

Schofield, Jonathan. “The Biggest Manchester Redevelopment Plan of All Time.” Confidentials

Manchester. July 7, 2021.


“The Manchester Blitz.” Imperial War Museums.

Williams, Gwyndaf, Stuart Batho, and Lynne Russell. “Responding to Urban Crisis: The

emergency planning response to the bombing of Manchester city centre.” Cities 17, no.

4 (2000): 293-304. doi:10.1016/s0264-2751(00)00025-1.

William Allgood

Cooling III, Benjamin Franklin, Walton H. Owen II. Mr. Lincoln’s Forts: A Guide to the   Civil War Defenses of Washington. Toronto: The Scarecrow Press, INC., 2010.

Janke, Lucinda Prout. A Guide to Civil War Washington, D.C.: The Capital of the Union.   Charleston: The History Press, 2013.

Lewis, Tom. Washington: A History of Our National City. New York: Perseus Books   Group, 2015.

Marzoli, Nathan A. “’A Region Which Will at the Same Time Delight and Disgust   You’: Landscape Transformation and Changing Environmental Relationships   in Civil War Washington, DC,” Civil War History 66, no. 2 (June 2020): 125-152.   (accessed September 7, 2021).

Winkle, Kenneth J. Lincoln’s Citadel: The Civil War in Washington, DC. New York: W.W.   Norton & Company, 2013.

Rachel Wong

Colombijn, Freek. “The Production of Urban Space by Violence and its Aftermath in Jakarta and Kota Ambon, Indonesia.” Ethnos 83:1 (2018): 58-79. DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2016.1138983

Frederick, William H. “The killing of Dutch and Eurasians in Indonesia’s national revolution (1945–49): a ‘brief genocide’ reconsidered.” Journal of Genocide Research 14 (2012): 359–380. DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2012.719370

Protschky, Susie. “Burdens of Proof: Photography and Evidence of Atrocity during the Dutch Military Actions in Indonesia (1945–1950).” Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 176 (2020): 240-278. DOI:10.1163/22134379-bja10015

Tajima, Yuhki. “The Problem of Local Order: A View from the Kampung.” In The Institutional Origins of Communal Violence: Indonesia’s Transition from Authoritarian Rule, 53-67. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Kelly, Catriona. St Petersburg: Shadows of the Past. New Haven and London: Yale

University of Press, 2014. j.ctt5vktn3.

Kirschenbaum, Lisa A. The Legacy of the Siege of Leningrad, 1941-1995 Myth, Memories,

            and Monuments. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. ProQuest Ebook


Morton, Adam David. “The Urban Revolution in Victor Serge.” Annals of the American

            Association of Geographers 108, no.6 (2018): 1554-1569.


Ruble, Blair A. Leningrad: Shaping a Soviet City. Berkeley: University of California Press,


Vaytens, Andrey, and Yulia Yankovskaya. “Saint-Petersburg Landscape Scenarios and

            Green Architecture in the Strategy of Urban Development.” MATEC Web of

            Conferences 170, no.02001 (2018): 1-10.


Voronina, Tatiana. “From Socialist Realism to Orthodox Christianity: ‘Blockade Temples’ in

            Saint Petersburg.” Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 10, no.3

            (2018): 79-105. DOI: 10.25285/2078-1938-2018-10-3-79-105.

Carla Adams

Berger, Peter. “Exiles of Eden: Vienna and the Viennese During and after World War I.” In 1914, 23:167–. The University of New Orleans Press, 2014.

Brown, Ralph Wellington. “A Cold War Army of Occupation? The United States Army in Vienna, 1945–1948.” ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1995. Print.

Chamberlain, William Henry. “Vienna, 1946: The Once Gay Capital Is Now a Rubble-Strewn City; Food and Living Quarters Are Very Scarce as the Four Occupying Powers Requisition Most Everything.” The Wall Street Journal. Eastern Edition, 1946, 4–.

Healy, Maureen. Vienna and the Fall of the Habsburg Empire : Total War and Everyday Life in World War I . Cambridge ;: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.

Pulzer, Peter. “Return to Little Vienna.” TLS. Times literary supplement (1969)4773 (1994): 16–. Print.

Taelor Logan

Eyre, J., 1982. Nagoya: The Changing Geography of a Japanese Regional Metropolis. Chapel Hill, N.C: Dep. of Geogr., Univ. of North Carolina. Ch.2: Postwar Metamorphosis

        **Eyre’s books functions well as a foundation for each subject in Nagoya’s history.

SCHWABE, DANIEL T. “Planning Japan’s Demise.” Burning Japan: Air Force Bombing Strategy Change in the Pacific, University of Nebraska Press, 2015, pp. 45–94,

        **While it doesn’t focus specifically on Nagoya, this chapter talks about how susceptible Japanese cities were to fire and that American bombers exploited that.

McCall, Christian D. Surviving the Pacific War Torch: The Cyclical Revitalization of Nagoya from Meiji Restoration to 1960, Austin Peay State University, Ann Arbor, 2021. ProQuest,

Urban Areas Division. The Effects of air attack on the city of Nagoya. U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. Washington, D.C., Gov. Print. Office.1947.

Shuang Peng

Ma, Zhao. Runaway Wives, Urban Crimes, and Survival Tactics in Wartime Beijing, 1937-1949. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015.

Zhang, Lei. “Foreign Wells: Japanese Well Drilling in Beijing, 1900-10.” Technology and Culture 61, no. 2, (2020): 416-36. Project Muse.

*Haven’t found many sources that really relate to war and Beijing. There was only one air-raid that happened in Beijing during 1925 and it destroyed part of the Forbidden City but did not cause other damage.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Cadena-Camargo, Yazmin, Anja Krumeich, Maria Claudia Duque-Paramo, and Klasien

Horstman. “”We Just Been Forced to Do It’: Exploring Victimization and Agency Among Internally Displaced Young Mothers in Bogota.” Conflict and Health 13, no. 1 (2019): 21–21.

de Urbina González, Amparo, and Fabio Zambrano Pantoja. “Impacto de ‘El Bogotazo’ en las

actividades residenciales y los servicios de alto rango en el centro histórico de Bogotá Estudio de caso.” Dearquitectura, no. 5 (2009): 152–65.

Medellín Pérez, Iris. La gente del sancocho nacional: experiencias de la militancia barrial del

M-19 en Bogotá, 1974-1990. Bogotá, D.C: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2018.

Rodríguez, José V. C. “El Papel de La Antropología Forense En La Identificación de Las

Víctimas Del Holocausto Del Palacio de Justicia, Bogotá, Colombia (1985).” Maguaré (Bogota, Colombia), no. 24 (2011): 333–57.

Rieken, Johannes, Garcia-Sanchez, Efrain, and Bear, Daniel. “Navigating Security in Bogotá.”

In Cities at War: Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance, edited by Mary Kaldor and Saskia Sassen, 184–200. Columbia University Press, 2020.

Jane Zhang

Nas, Peter J. M., ed. Directors of Urban Change in Asia. London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2005.

**There is a chapter that focuses on the changes in urban planning in Guangzhou due to the Opium War.

Dickie, Francis. “THE REBIRTH OF CANTON, CHINA.” Current History (1916-1940) 16, no. 3 (1922): 426–33.

McLean, George F., and John Kromkowski. Urbanization and Values. CRVP, 1991.

Liang, Samuel Y. Remaking China’s Great Cities : Space and Culture in Urban Housing, Renewal, and Expansion . Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2014. Print.

Jiang, Sheng, and Liu Yuan. “从民国出版物看近代城市规划思想在中国的传播与影响 (Looking at Influence of Urban Planning Theories in China Through Examining Publications in the Republican Era),” South Architecture 6 (2014): 12–15.

Harry He

Li, Zonghai. “抗战时期西安的城市防空建设论述 (Summary of Air Defense Construction in Xi’an during WWII),” Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power 17, no. 3 (2010): 88-90.

Wu, Hongqi and Yan Yan. “古都西安历史上的城市更新模式与新世纪城市更新战略 (Model of Urban Renewal of Xi’an and is Strategy in the New Era),” Collections of Essays on Chinese Historical Geography 18, no. 4 (2003): 25-37.

Jing, Xiaofen. 空间隔离与外来人口的城市融入 (Spatial Separation and the Assimilation of Immigrants). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2014.

Josephine Kim

Kent, Neil. Helsinki : a Cultural and Literary History . Northampton, Mass: Interlink Books, 2005. Print.

Ch 1, Commercial Helsinki (Post-War Developments)

Ch 2, Imperial Helsinki: The Czar, the Architect, and the New City (Costly Reconstruction)

Ch 3, Military Helsinki: War and Warriors (Peace and Resettlement; Post-War Retrenchment and Reconstruction)

Ch 8, Helsinki and Modernity: Urban Growth, Architecture, and Design (Urgent Development; Post-War Building; The Changing Face of Helsinki

Lahti, Juhana. “The Helsinki Suburbs of Tapiola and Vantaanpuisto: Post-War Planning by the Architect Aarne Ervi.” Planning perspectives 23.2 (2008): 147–169. Web.

This article discusses the partnership between Aarne Ervi, a famous Finnish architect and urban planner post-WW2, and two public utility housing organizations in Finland (the ‘Housing Foundation’ and ‘Home Savers Society’). A number of topics are covered including modern planning and the growth of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Lahtinen, Rauno, and Timo Vuorisalo. “‘It’s War and Everyone Can Do As They Please!’: An

Environmental History of a Finnish City in Wartime.” Environmental History, vol. 9, no. 4, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 679–700, doi:10.2307/3986265.

Moll, Veera, and Hanna Kuusi. “From City Streets to Suburban Woodlands: The Urban Planning Debate on Children’s Needs, and Childhood Reminiscences, of 1940s–1970s Helsinki.” Urban History 48, no. 1 (2019): 1–18.

As the title suggests, this article is not only about the urban planning debate, but also childhood memories. Amidst rapid urbanization post-WWII, planning professionals placed an emphasis on shaping space for family and children. I think this study will help me consider what kinds of meanings related to identity and belonging the city of Helsinki intended to encode into its spatial structure.


17th-century fortification:

Videos of firebombings:

“World War 2 Air Raids on Tokyo Part 2”

“Dresden Bombed to Atoms”

Le Corbusier:

Dom-Ino House

“Radiant City” google image search:

Idalia Zavala-Mejia

Barck, Oscar Theodore. New York City During the War for Independence, with Special Reference to the Period of British Occupation. Port Washington, N.Y: I.J. Friedman, 1966.

“A history of New York City’s involvement in the American Revolution, which held a strategic position that made it the objective of both British and American armies.”

Barron, David J, and Gerald E Frug. “After 9/11: Cities.” The Urban Lawyer 34, no. 3 (2002): 583–98.

Bernstein, Iver. The New York City Draft Riots : Their Significance for American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War . New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Goldstein, Richard. Helluva Town : the Story of New York City During World War II . 1st Free Press hardcover ed. New York: Free Press, 2010.

McKay, Ernest A. The Civil War and New York City . 1st ed. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press, 1990.

Strausbaugh, John. City of Sedition : the History of New York City During the Civil War . First edition. New York ;: Twelve, 2016.

Sturken, Marita. “The 9/11 Memorial Museum and the Remaking of Ground Zero.” American Quarterly 67, no. 2 (2015): 471–90.

Session 5 (Sept. 29) The City Under Threat 2—Natural Disasters and Disease

Rachel Wong

Bott, Lisa-Michéle, Leda Ankel, Boris Braun. “Adaptive neighborhoods: The interrelation of urban form, social capital, and responses to coastal hazards in Jakarta.” Geoforum 106 (2019): 202-213. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.08.016

Marfai, Muh Aris, Andung Bayu Sekaranom, Philip Ward. “Community responses and adaptation strategies toward flood hazard in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Nat Hazards 75 (2015): 1127-1144. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1365-3

Riama, Nelly Florida, Riri Fitri Sari, Henita Rahmayanti, Widada Sulistya, Mohamad Husein Nurrahmat. “The Level of Public Acceptance to the Development of a Coastal Flooding Early Warning System in Jakarta.” Sustainability 13.566 (2021): 1-25. DOI: 10.3390/su13020566

Simanjuntak, Imelda, Niki Frantzeskaki, Bert Enserink, Wim Ravesteijn. “Evaluating Jakarta’s flood defence governance: the impact of political and institutional reforms.” Water Policy 14 (2012): 561-580. DOI: 10.2166/wp.2012.119

Van Voorst, Roanne. “Juxtapositions in Jakarta: How Flood Interventions Reinforce and Challenge Urban Divides.” Urban Forum 31 (2020): 373-388. DOI: 10.1007/s12132-020-09391-8

Juliana Kogan

Jaedong Choi. “Fire, Arson and Fire Insurance in Late Imperial Russia.” The Slavonic and East
            European Review
, vol. 93, no. 3, [Modern Humanities Research Association, University
            College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College
            London], 2015, pp. 451–92,

Clark, C. G., et al. “Microbiological and Epidemiological Investigation of Cholera Epidemic in
            Ukraine during 1994 and 1995.” Epidemiology and Infection, vol. 121, no. 1, Cambridge
            University Press, 1998, pp. 1–13,

Л. Жуковский. Из истории эпидемии холеры В Киеве в 1847 году // ж. «Агапит», №4 1996,
            70-1. ([Zhukovsky L. From the history of cholera epidemics in Kyiv in 1847. Agapit.
            1996;(4):70-1. English, Ukrainian. PMID: 11620504.]

BUZHIEVSKAYA, TAMARA I., et al. “Selective Monitoring for a Chernobyl Effect on Pregnancy
            Outcome in Kiev, 1969-1989.” Human Biology, vol. 67, no. 4, Wayne State University
            Press, 1995, pp. 657–72,

William Allgood

Walters, Kerry S. Outbreak in Washington, D.C.: the 1857 mystery of the National Hotel Disease. Charleston: The History Press, 2014.

Wysong, Lori. “When D.C. Faced a Typhoid Epidemic.” Boundary Stones: WETA’s Local History Website. June 19, 2019. (accessed September 27, 2021).

Dickey, Jeff. Empire of Mud: the Secret History of Washington, DC. Guilford, Connecticut: Lyons Press, 2014.

Ambrose, Kevin. The Knickerbocker Snowstorm. Charleston: Arcadia Publishing, 2013.

Colleen Dougherty

Hylton, Stuart. A History of Manchester. Chichester: Phillimore, 2003.

Willan, T.S. “Plague in Perspective: The Case of Manchester in 1605.” The Historic Society of

Lancaster and Cheshire 132 (1982): 29-40.

Pearson, Robin. “Collective Diversification : Manchester Cotton Merchants and the Insurance

Business in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Business History Review 65, no. 2 (1991):

379-414. doi:10.2307/3117407.

Shuang Peng

Li, Lillian M. Fighting Famine in North China: State, Market, and Environmental Decline, 1690-1990s. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007.

Fuller, Pierre. Famine Relief in Warlord China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2019.

Disaster History. “Great Leap Famine, 1958-62 (Urban Perspective).” Accessed Sep. 28, 2021.

Chen, Gang. “China’s Management of Natural Disasters- Organizations and Norms,” in China’s Crisis Management, edited by Jae Ho Chung, 130-148. London: Routledge, 2012.

*There is also another Chinese article discussing Beijing’s food supply during the Great Leap Famine, but I can’t find the original author and where it was published. I project it has been deleted from the original journal after some revision happened in Chinese academia.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Martínez Martín A.F., Manrique Abril F.G., Meléndez Alvarez B.F. “La pandemia de gripa de

1918 en Bogotá.” Dynamis, 27: (2007), 287-307.

Turkewitz, Julie, and Villamil, Sofía . “Colombia Police Respond to Protests with Bullets, and

Death Toll Mounts.” The New York Times, 5 May 2021.

Al Jazeera. “Intense Hail Storms Trigger Disruption in Bogota.” Latin America Al  Jazeera,

November 3, 2017.

Ruiz, D. M., R. Jaramillo, C. E. Riveros, and Mauricio Gallego-Silva. “Edificios De Concreto

Reforzado Siguiendo La NSR-10 Vs Sismo De Quetame Registrado En Bogotá D.C.” Ingeniería y Ciencia 8, no. 16 (Jul, 2012): 129-189.

 Sarabia Gómez, Ana Milena, Cifuentes Avendaño, Hernán Guillermo, and Robertson, Kim.

“Análisis Histórico De Los Sismos Ocurridos En 1785 y En 1917 En El Centro De Colombia.” Cuadernos De Geografía no. 19 (2010): 153-162.álisis-histórico-de-los-sismos-ocurridos-en/docview/1677409438/se-2?accountid=11091.

Carla Adams

Buchenau, Sven. “Die Berufsfeuerwehr Wien und ihre Besonderheiten.” March 12, 2021.

Kiyem, Sigrid. Der Wiener Justizpalastbrand am 15. Juli 1927 : Darstellung in Quellen und Medien, 2001. (Dissertation)

Köhler, Thomas, and Christian Mertens. Justizpalast in Flammen : ein brennender Dornbusch ; das Werk von Manes Sperber, Heimito von Doderer und Elias Canetti angesichts des 15. Juli 1927 . Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 2006.

Meyer, G., González, A.C., Claessens, A., Misiewicz, L. and Overmeire, E.V. (2009), Baulicher Brandschutz mit Kalksandsteinwänden. Mauerwerk, 13: 375-384.

Mikoletsky, Juliane. “Der Brand des Wiener Ringtheaters 1881 und die Folgen.” Ferrum: Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek, Stiftung der Georg Fischer AG, 69 (1997): 59-68.

Wiener Feuerwehr Zeitung. “Der Brand des Ringtheaters in Wien.” Wiener Feuerwehr Zeitung, December 8, 1881. ANNO Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Barabanova, Kseniya, and Alexei Kraikovski. “The Management of Cholera Epidemics and the

            Neva River in St. Petersburg in the Nineteenth Century.” Water History 10 (2018): 163-


Dills, Randall. “Cracks in the Granite: Paternal Care, the Imperial Façade, and the Limits of

            Authority in the 1824 St. Petersburg Flood.” Journal of Urban History 40, no.3 (2014):

            479-496. DOI: 10.1177/0096144213508624.

Kosterin, N.V., and V. I. Shchekachikhin. “St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier System: First

            Years of Operation.” Power Technology and Engineering 51, no.4 (November 2017):

            371-376. DOI: 10.1007/s10749-017-0841-9.

Nazarenko, Kirill B., and Maria A. Smirnova. “St. Petersburg Port through Disasters: Challenges

            and Resilience.” Journal of Urban History 47, no.2 (2021): 272-292. DOI: 10.1177/0096


Steinberg, Mark D.. Petersburg Fin de Siècle: The Darkening Landscape of Modern Times,

            1905-1917. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2011.


Harry He

Li, Huimin, Yang Haozhong, and Zhang Gejuan. “Research on the Characteristics of Public Disaster in Xi’an City and the Strategy of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation System.” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology 49, no. 4 (2017): 516-522.

Yu, Kongjian, Li Dihua, Yuan Hong, Fu Wei, Qiao Qing, Wang Sisi. “‘Sponge City’: Theory and Practice.” City Planning Review 39, no. 6 (2015): 26-36.

Wu, Danjie, Zhan Shengze, Li Youhua, Tu Manzhang, Zheng Jianyang, Guo Yingyuan, Peng Haiyang. “New Trends and Practical Research on the Sponge Cities with Chinese Characteristics.” China Soft Science 31, no. 1 (2016): 79-97.

Han Xu and Zhao Yaqian. “‘Sponge’ Development in Sponge City Construction.” Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment 38, no. 5 (2016): 708-714.

Hou Jingming, Kang Yongde, Li Xuan, Chen Guangzhao, Luo Hui, Bai Guangbi, Bi Xu, Gao Xujun, Kong Xiangjian. “Analysis and Countermeasures of Inundation Caused by Heavy Rain in Xi’an.” Journal of Xi’an University of Technology 36, no. 3 (2020): 269-274.

Chan, Faith Ka Shun, James A. Griffiths, David Higgitt, Shuyang Xu, Fangfang Zhu, Yu-Ting Tang, Yuyao Xu, Colin R. Thorne. “‘Sponge City’ in China–A Breakthrough of Planning and Flood Risk Management in the Urban Context.” Land Use Policy 76 (2018): 772-778.

Liu, Danli and Wang Dongpeng. “Discussion on the Construction of Xi’an Sponge City.” Industrial Construction 46, no. 6 (2016): 54-57.

Dietz,  Michael E. “Low Impact Development Practices: A Review of Current Research and Recommendations for Future Directions.” Water Air Soil Pollut 186 (2007): , 351–363.

Yujin Zhou

Jha, Abhas K.., Lamond, Jessica., Bloch, Robin. Cities and Flooding: A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century. Ukraine: World Bank Publications, 2012.

Feng, Shuidong, Hongzhuan Tan, Abuaku Benjamin, Shiwu Wen, Aizhong Liu, Jia Zhou, Shuoqi Li, et al. “Social Support and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Flood Victims in Hunan, China.” Annals of Epidemiology 17, no. 10 (2007): 827–33.

Huang, Xin, Hongzhuan Tan, Jia Zhou, Tubao Yang, Abuaku Benjamin, Shi Wu Wen, Shuoqi Li, et al. “Flood Hazard in Hunan Province of China: An Economic Loss Analysis.” Natural Hazards (Dordrecht) 47, no. 1 (2008): 65–73.

Zhuqing Zhang, Weixing Guo, Mengshuang Peng, and Zhiyu Wang. “Analysis of Main Climatic Disasters in Rice Production in Changsha and Its Strategies.” Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter : HASTN 16, no. 2 (2015): 346–.

Pengcheng Yang. 湖南灾荒史 (A History of Natural Disasters and Famine in Hunan). Changsha: Hunan renmin chubanshe, 2008.

Also a small summary of flood problems in Hunan posed by the provincial government:

Josephine Kim

Haikonen, Kari et al. “Economic Burden of Fire-Related Deaths in Finland, 2000–2010:

Indirect Costs Using a Human Capital Approach.” Burns 42.1 (2015): 56–62. Web.

Holopainen, Markus et al. “Drought Damage in the Park Forests of the City of Helsinki.”

Urban forestry & urban greening 4.2 (2006): 75–83. Web.

Kallioinen, Mika. “PLAGUES AND GOVERNMENTS: The Prevention of Plague Epidemics

in Early Modern Finland.” Scandinavian journal of history 31.1 (2006): 35–51. Web.

Kollanus, Virpi et al. “Effects of Long-Range Transported Air Pollution from Vegetation Fires

on Daily Mortality and Hospital Admissions in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area,

Finland.” Environmental research 151 (2016): 351–358. Web.

Larjavaara, M, J Pennanen, and T.J Tuomi. “Lightning That Ignites Forest Fires in Finland.”

Agricultural and forest meteorology 132.3 (2005): 171–180. Web.

Laakkonen, Simo, and Otto Tähkäpää. “Towards an Environmental History of Television.

Water Pollution Issues on Finnish Broadcasting Prior to Earth Day 1970.”

Environment and History, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 367–98,


Mees, Heleen L. P, Peter P. J Driessen, and Hens A. C Runhaar. “Legitimate Adaptive

Flood Risk Governance Beyond the Dikes: The Cases of Hamburg, Helsinki and

Rotterdam.” Regional environmental change 14.2 (2014): 671–682. Web.

Votsis, Athanasios. “Utilizing a Cellular Automaton Model to Explore the Influence of

Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategies on Helsinki’s Urbanization Patterns.” Computers, environment and urban systems 64 (2017): 344–355. Web.

Taelor Logan

Donavan, Matthew, Grossi, Paticia. 1959 Super Typhoon Vera: 50-Year Retrospective. Risk Management Solutions. Wayback Machine (

Japan: Tokai Heavy Rain (September 2000), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan. Microsoft Word – Japan.doc (

Michinori Hatayama, Jason K. Levy, Yoshio Kajitani, Jens Hartmann, Hirokazu Tatano, and Norio Okada. “Social Resilience and the Tokai (Nagoya, Japan) Flood of September 11–12, 2000.” Water Resources IMPACT 5, no. 6 (2003): 18–21.

Mochizuki, Tsuneyoshi, Ueda, Takeshi. Flood Control Works in Japan: Achievements to Date and Future Outlook. International Water Resource Association. FLOOD CONTROL WORKS IN JAPAN (

Tanaka, Tomoshiro. Kiyohara, Keiko. Tachikawa, Yasuto. Comparison of fluvial and pluvial flood risk curves in urban cities derived from a large ensemble climate simulation dataset: A case study in Nagoya, Japan. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 584, May 2020. Comparison of fluvial and pluvial flood risk curves in urban cities derived from a large ensemble climate simulation dataset: A case study in Nagoya, Japan – ScienceDirect

Thomas, M. Tsujimoto, T. Vulnerability to flood risks in Japanese urban areas: crisis management and emergency response for efficient evacuation management. Nagoya University. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol 184. 2014. WIT Press

Topography of Nagoya. Nagoya topographic map, elevation, relief (

Jane Zhang

Carroll, John M. “Slow Burn in China: Factories, Fear, and Fire in Canton.” In Empires of Panic: Epidemics and Colonial Anxieties, edited by Robert Peckham, 1st ed., 35–56. Hong Kong University Press, 2015.

Idalia Zavala-Mejia

Bailey, Rachel A. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A History Perspectives Book. Cherry Lake, 2014.

Gornitz, Vivien, and Cynthia Rosenzweig. “Severe storms and sea level rise in New York City.” Water Resources Impact 11, no. 1 (2009): 10-14.

Landau, Elaine. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire . New York: Children’s Press, 2005.

Wu, Leon, Roger N. Anderson, Albert G. Boulanger, Cynthia Rudin, and Gail E. Kaiser. “Failure analysis of the New York City power grid.” (2014).

Session 6 (Oct. 6) Squatter Cities, Peasant Cities, Megacities

Juliana Kogan

Ерофеев, Николай. “История хрущевки,” Открытая левая. 24 декабря 2014.

[Erofeev, Nikolay. “The History of Khrushchevky,” Open Left. December 24th, 2014.

[Nikolay Erofeev is an art historian and specialist on Soviet modernist architecture.]

See also:

Erofeev, Nikolay. “Experiment in the architecture of Soviet mass housing, 1955-1990”. University of Oxford, Hill Foundation. 2020.

Choate, Ksenia, “From “Stalinkas” to “Khrushchevkas”: The Transition to Minimalism in Urban Residential Interiors in the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964″ (2010). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 628.

Meuser, Philipp; Zadorin, Dimitrij (2016). Towards a Typology of Soviet Mass Housing: Prefabrication in the USSR 1955 – 1991, DOM publishers, Berlin. ISBN 978-3869224466.

Meuser, Philipp (2019). Prefabricated Housing. Construction and Design Manual, DOM publishers, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86922-021-5

Ridnyi, Mykola. The Squat is a Squat. Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Architecture. NGO “Urban Forms Center”. Zagoriy Foundation, 2020. (Trans. Anna Kolomiytseva).

A documentary on the art squat movement in Ukraine.

Schwenkel, Christina. “Utopian Housing.” Building Socialism: The Afterlife of East German Architecture in Urban Vietnam, Duke University Press, 2020, pp. 161–208,

An article about Vietnam, but also contains discussion on the literature surrounding the Soviet/Eastern European urban landscape.

Tugarinova, Sofiya D. “Seven Sisters Ensemble: High-rise Construction Project Development in Moscow in the 1940s-1950s.” Moscow State Academic Art Institution named after V.I. Surikov, Department of Theory and History of Art. Foundation privee Maison Burganov Vol. 3, 2016. pp. 25-42. Accessed via

This article focuses on Moscow, but I thought the discussion on Stalinist architecture was important to compare with Khrushchev’s later

architectural efforts in Kyiv.

“История киевских «хрущевок»”. Київ від минулого до майбутнього, 11 квітня 2020.
[“The History of Kyivan “Khrushchevky.” Kyiv from the past to the future. April 11, 2020.]

I would like to find a more academic piece of writing, but this was a great summary.

Veryovki, Alexander, et al. Eastern Blocks: Concrete Landscapes of the Former Eastern Bloc. Zupagrafika, 2019.

Absolutely gorgeous photography book covering mass housing development projects in Kyiv and other Eastern Bloc cities. I would like to use these visuals to discuss my analysis.

Rachel Wong

Hellman, Jörgen. “How to Prove You Are Not a Squatter: Appropriating Space and Marking Presence in Jakarta.” In Cities in Asia by and for the People, 2-68. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

Leaf, Michael. “Legal Authority in an Extralegal Setting: The Case of Land Rights in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 14 (1994): 12-18.

Leitner, Helga and Eric Sheppard. “From Kampungs to Condos? Contested accumulations through displacement in Jakarta.” Environment and Planning 50.2 (2018): 437-456. DOI: 10.1177/0308518X17709279

Meilasari-Sugiana, Astrid, Def Ayu Puspito Sari, and Rini Anggraini. “Housing and resettlement of Jakarta’s urban poor: case study of Kampung Pulo’s slum revitalisation in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Human Geographies 12.2 (Nov 2018): 191-208. DOI:10.5719/hgeo.2018.122.4

Simone, AbdouMaliq. Jakarta: Drawing the City Near. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Idalia Zavala-Mejia

Arasteh, Kamyar. “Hypertension, diabetes and poverty among Latinx immigrants in New York City: implications for COVID-19.” International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (2021).

Harris, Leslie M. In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863. University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Little, Christine, Mathilda Alsen, Joshua Barlow, Leonard Naymagon, Douglas Tremblay, Eric Genden, Samuel Trosman, Laura Iavicoli, and Maaike van Gerwen. “The impact of socioeconomic status on the clinical outcomes of COVID-19; a retrospective cohort study.” Journal of community health (2021): 1-9.

Riis, Jacob A. A Ten Years’ War; an Account of the Battle with the Slum in New York. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1900.

Thompson, Corinne N., Jennifer Baumgartner, Carolina Pichardo, Brian Toro, Lan Li, Robert Arciuolo, Pui Ying Chan et al. “COVID-19 Outbreak—New York City, February 29–June 1, 2020.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 69, no. 46 (2020): 1725.

Wyly, Elvin, and James DeFilippis. “Mapping public housing: the case of New York City.” City & Community 9, no. 1 (2010): 61-86.

Josephine Kim

Andersson, Roger, Ingar Brattbakk, and Mari Vaattovaara. “Natives’ Opinions on Ethnic

Residential Segregation and Neighbourhood Diversity in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm.” Housing studies 32.4 (2017): 491–516. Web.

Although this article is not specifically about the economic inequality between neighborhoods in Helsinki, I anticipate it to be touched upon in its discussion of race and ethnic segregation.

Dhalmann, Hanna, and Katja Vilkama. “Housing Policy and the Ethnic Mix in Helsinki, Finland:

Perceptions of City Officials and Somali Immigrants.” Journal of housing and the built

environment 24.4 (2009): 423–439. Web.

Dhalmann, Hanna. “Explaining Ethnic Residential Preferences-The Case of Somalis and

Russians in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.” Housing studies 28.3 (2013): 389–408.


Eckardt, Frank, and John Eade. The Ethnically Diverse City . Berlin: BWV, Berliner

Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2011. Print.

Vanja la Vecchia — A tale of two cities : Iraqis’ accounts of home and belonging in the city of Helsinki and in the city of Rome / Vanja (chapter starts p337)

Natalia Berti — Moving in or moving out? : development of residential concentrations of immigrants in Helsinki (chapter starts 421)

Kauppinen, Timo M. “The Beginning of Immigrant Settlement in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area

and the Role of Social Housing.” Journal of housing and the built environment 17.2

(2002): 173–197. Web.

Tuominen, Pekka. “Historical and Spatial Layers of Cultural Intimacy: Urban Transformation of a

Stigmatised Suburban Estate on the Periphery of Helsinki.” Social inclusion 8.1 (2020):

34–43. Web.

Ndukwe, Thaddeus C. “Between Multiculturalism and Conservatism in Finland: Experiences of

African Immigrants in the Helsinki Region.” Omnes 5.2 (2015): 146–193. Web.

“Researchers’ Work from University of Helsinki Focuses on Rural Studies (Good Workers, Good Firms? Rural Smes Legitimising Immigrant Workforce).” Politics & Government Week, NewsRX LLC, 2020, p. 383–.

This source focuses on rural studies. I’m not sure how applicable it is to this topic, but I wanted to include it just in case there are details inside that I can follow up on to find other sources.

Wahlbeck, Osten, and Sabina Fortelius. “The Utilisation of Migrant Capital to Access the Labour

Market: The Case of Swedish Migrants in Helsinki.” Social inclusion 7.4 (2019):

181–189. Web.

This article focuses on migrant laborers, but perhaps it may cover topics related to Squatter cities.

Shuang Peng

*The sources for this week all focus on the case study of Zhejiangcun. Thanks to the inspiration from Davis’s chapter.

Xiang, Biao. Transcending Boundaries: Zhejiangcun: The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing. Boston: Brill Academic Publication, 2005.

Zhang, Li. Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks within China’s Floating Population. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001.

Solinger, Dorothy J. Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

Liu, Xiaoli, Wei Liang. “Zhejiangcun: Social and Spatial Implication of Informal Urbanization of the Periphery of Beijing.” Cities 14, no. 2 (1997): 95-108.

Chung, Him. “Building an Image of Villages-in-the-city: A Clarification of China’s Distinct Urban Spaces.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34, no. 2 (2010): 421-37. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2010.00979.x.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Buckler, Julie A.. Mapping St. Petersburg: Imperial Text and Cityshape. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton

            University Press, 2005.

  • Chapter 5 “Literary Centers and Margins: Palaces, Dachas, Slums, and Industrial Outskirts”

Petersen, Hans-Christian. “‘…not intended for the Rich’: Public Places as Points of Identification for the

            Urban Poor—St. Petersburg (1850-1914).” In Spaces of the Poor: Perspectives of Cultural

Sciences on Urban Slum Areas and Their Inhabitants, edited by Hans-Christian Petersen, 71-96. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013.

Steinberg, Mark D.. “Blood in the Air: Everyday Violence in the Experience of the Petersburg Poor,

            1905-1917.” In Spaces of the Poor: Perspectives of Cultural Sciences on Urban Slum Areas and

            Their Inhabitants, edited by Hans-Christian Petersen, 97-120. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013.

Note: The second and the third source are two articles/chapters written by different authors in the same edited book.

Taelor Logan

Biemolt, Alysha. “Poverty in Nagoya, Japan.” 2015. The Borgen Project. June 15, 2015.

Gill, Tom. 2001. Men of Uncertainty: The Social Organization of Day Laborers in Contemporary Japan. Albany: State University Of New York Press. 100-103.

Matsuo, Tamaki. 1999. Review of A Study of Homelessness and Social Policy in Contemporary Japan: With a Special Reference to the “Sasashima Problem” in Nagoya, November. KJ00000706146.pdf.

Okamoto, Yoshihiro. n.d. Review of A Comparative Study of Homelessness in the United Kingdom and Japan. Journal of Social Issues 63 (2): 525–42.

Okamoto, Yoshihiro. 2015. “A Study on Housing Poverty in the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, Japan.” Journal of the Korean Housing Association 26 (9): 9–16.

Wang, Lisha, Tomio Miwa, Meilan Jiang, and Takayuki Morikawa. n.d. Review of Investigation on Railway Investment-Induced Neighborhood Change and Local Spatial Spillover Effects in Nagoya, Japan. The Journal of Transport and Land Use 14 (1): 715–35. amyf,+Wang_etal_1763.pdf.

Though many were technical, most of these sources focused solely or heavily on Nagoya which is different from past research days. They were insightful in gaining an understanding of poverty and homelessness in Nagoya and Japan as a whole. I was able to find multiple articles by Okamoto Yoshihiro, a professor of Housing at Chukyo University in Nagoya.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Lopez Borbon, Walte,. “Urban Informal Diversity, Specific Interventions for Specific

Settlements. Neighborhood Improvement Programs, Bogotá.” Bitácora Urbano Territorial 28, no. 2 (2018): 135-142. doi:

O’Dea Gauhan, Timothy . “Housing and the Urban Poor: The Case of Bogotá,

Colombia.” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 19, no. 1 (1977): 99–124.

Rueda-García,Nicolás. “The case of Bogotá D.C., Colombia.” Understanding slums:

Case Studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements, 2003.

Sánchez-Ayala, Luis. “Planning to Segregate: The Case of Bogota, Colombia.” In Urban

and Regional Planning and Development, 361–70. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Torres Carrillo, Alfonso. La ciudad en la sombra : barrios y luchas populares en Bogotá

1950-1977. Spain: Universidad Piloto de Colombia, 2013. Digitalia,

Jane Zhang

Li, Ling Hin & Lin, Jie & Li, Xin & Wu, Fan. (2014). Redevelopment of urban village in China – A step towards an effective urban policy? A case study of Liede village in Guangzhou. Habitat International. 43. 299–308.

Wong, Siu Wai. “Land Requisitions and State—Village Power Restructuring in Southern China.” The China Quarterly, no. 224 (2015): 888–908.

Lin, Yanliu & Meulder, Bruno & Wang, Shifu. (2011). Understanding the ‘Village in the City’ in Guangzhou. Urban Studies. 48. 3583-3598.

Wong, Siu Wai. “Reconsolidation of State Power into Urbanising Villages: Shareholding Reforms as a Strategy for Governance in the Pearl River Delta Region.” Urban Studies 53, no. 4 (2016): 689–704.

Harry He

Cenzatti, Marco. “The City in between the Villages.” In Villages in the City: A Guide to South China’s Informal Settlements, edited by Stefan Al, 9-18. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2014.

Friedmann, John. China’s Urban Transition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005.

De Meulder, Bruno and Kelly Shannon. “Village in the City as Urbanism in China and Elsewhere.” In Village in the City, edited by Bruno De Meulder and Kelly Shannon, 4-15. Zürich: Park Books, 2014.

Tang, Beibei. “‘Not Rural but Not Urban’: Community Governance in China’s Urban Villages.” The China Quarterly 223 (2015): 724-744.

Liu, Shouying and Zhang Yue. “Cities without Slums? China’s Land Regime and Dual-Track Urbanization.” Cities 101 (2020): 1-13.

Liu, Yuting, Shenjing He, Fulong Wu, Chris Webster. “Urban Villages under China’s Rapid Urbanization: Unregulated Assets and Transitional Neighbourhoods.” Habitat International 34, no. 2 (2010): 135-144.

Shen, Jianfa, Zhiqiang Feng, Kwan-Yiu Wong. “Dual-track Urbanization in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Pearl River Delta in South China.” Habitat International 30, no. 3 (2006): 690-705.

Qin, Hui. “Housing Rights of the New Urban Poor.” Tribune of Social Sciences 19, no. 1 (2012): 195-219.

Hong, Zenglin. “Study on the Mode and Effectiveness of In-City Village Reconstruction.” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology 42, no. 3 (2010): 431-436.

Carla Adams

Blau, Eve. “Building Blocks of the City.” In The Architecture of Red Vienna, 1919-1934, 246-338. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1999.

Blumgart, Jake. “Red Vienna: How Austria’s Capital Earned its Place in Housing History.” Last Updated July 29, 2021.

Gruber, Helmut. “Municipal Socialism.” In Red Vienna : Experiment in Working-Class Culture, 1919-1934 . 45- New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Pohl, Alina. “Schlafen im Schichtbetrieb.” [Sleeping in Shifts] Bettgeher in Wien. December 9, 2019.

Rumpfhuber, Andreas. “Stories of Cities #18: Vienna’s ‘Wild Settlers’ Kickstart a Housing Revolution.” April 8, 2016.

Stuhlpfarrer, Anna. “Superblock versus Garden City.” Werkbundsiedlung Wien.

Wien Geschichte Wiki. “Rotes Wien.” [Red Vienna] Last updated October 7, 2020.

William Allgood

 Asch, Chris Myers and George Derek Musgrove. Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017.

 Clark-Lewis, Elizabeth. “’For a Real Better Life’: Voices of African American Women Migrants, 1900-1930.” In Urban Odyssey: A Multicultural History of Washington , D.C., ed. Francine Curro Cary, 97-112. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996.

 Lindsey, Treva B. Colored No More: Reinventing Black Womanhood in Washington, D.C. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017.

 Moore, Jacqueline M. Leading the Race: The Transformation of the Black Elite in the Nation’s Capital, 1880-1920. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999.

 The Smithsonian Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture. The Black Washingtonians: The Anacostia Museum Illustrated Chronology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.

Colleen Dougherty

“Building Secrets: Manchester’s Forgotten Slums.” Manchester’s Finest. April 21, 2020.


Edensor, Tim. “Mundane Hauntings: Commuting through the Phantasmagoric Working-class

Spaces of Manchester, England.” Cultural Geographies 15, no. 3 (2008): 313-33.


Lovell, Lucy. “This Is What the Slums of Manchester and Salford Looked like.” Manchester

Evening News. May 21, 2017.


“Manchester “Slums” And Air.” The Lancet 116, no. 2978 (1880): 515-16.


“Photographs Reveal Forgotten Manchester and Salford Slums.” BBC News. June 10, 2017..

Pitts, Mike. “Unearthing Manchester’s Victorian Slums.” The Guardian. August 27, 2009.


Platt, Harold L. “From Hygeia To the Garden City: Bodies, Houses, and the Rediscovery of the

Slum in Manchester, 1875-1910.” Journal of Urban History 33, no. 5 (2007): 756-72.


Stafford, Joe. “Forgotten Maps of Manchester Slums Restored and Available to View.”

University of Manchester. April 02, 2019.

Symonds, Arthur G. “An Unfashionable Slum in Manchester.” Quiver 29, no. 361 (January

1894): 723-28.

Session 7 (Oct. 13) The City as Ecosystem 2—Waste

Colleen Dougherty

Cooper, Tim. “Challenging the ‘Refuse Revolution’: War, Waste and the Rediscovery of

Recycling, 1900–50*.” Historical Research 81, no. 214 (October 20, 2008): 710-31.


Haule, L.v., C.m. Carr, and M. Rigout. “Preparation and Physical Properties of Regenerated

Cellulose Fibres from Cotton Waste Garments.” Journal of Cleaner Production 112

(January 20, 2016): 4445-451. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.08.086.

Platt, Harold L. “”Clever Microbes”: Bacteriology and Sanitary Technology in Manchester and

Chicago during the Progressive Age.” Osiris 19 (2004): 149-66. doi:10.1086/649399.

Uyarra, Elvira, and Sally Gee. “Transforming Urban Waste into Sustainable Material and Energy

Usage: The Case of Greater Manchester (UK).” Journal of Cleaner Production 50

(2013): 101-10. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.11.046.

“Waste and Resources.” Greater Manchester Combined Authority.


Williams, Jennifer. “Greater Manchester Has Spent £500m Buying out Viridor Waste Contract.”

Manchester Evening News. June 13, 2018.


William Allgood

Woodsworth, James W., George Aponte Clarke, William Huang, Nancy Stoner, and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Out of the Gutter: Reducing Polluted Runoff in the District of Columbia. New York: Natural Resources Defense Council, 2002.

Crane, Brian D. “Filth, Garbage, and Rubbish: Refuse Disposal, Sanitary Reform, and Nineteenth-Century Yard Deposits in Washington, D.C.” Historical Archaeology 34, no. 1, (2000): 20-38. (accessed October 10, 2021).

Horton, Nancy, John M. Snarr, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Opportunities in Recycling for Small Business Entrepreneurs in the Metropolitan Washington Area. Washington, D.C.: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 1993.

Kim, H.Y. Recycling and Green Programs at the Capital [sic] and in Congress. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009.

Rachel Wong

Aprilia, Aretha, Tetsuo Tezuka, Gert Spaargaren. 2011.  “Municipal Solid Waste Management with Citizen Participation: An Alternative Solution to Waste Problems in Jakarta, Indonesia.” In Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2010: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Global COE Program, Kyoto, 56-62. Springer.

Aprilia, Aretha, Tetsuo Tezuka, Gert Spaargaren. “Household Solid Waste Management in Jakarta, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Evaluation.” In Waste Management: An Integrated Vision, 71-100. London: IntechOpen, 2012.

Chaerul, Mochammad, Masaru Tanaka, Ashok V. Shekdar. “Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indonesia: Status and the Strategic Actions.” Journal of the Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University 12.1 (March 2007): 41-49.

Lavigne, Frank, Patrick Wassmer, Christopher Gomez, Thimoty A Davies, Danang Sri Hadmoko, T Yan W M Iskandarsyah, JC Gaillard, Monique Fort, Pauline Texier, Mathias Boun Heng, Indyo Pratomo. “The 21 February 2005, Catastrophic Waste Avalanche at Leuwigajah Dumpsite, Bandung, Indonesia.” Geoenvironmental Disasters 1.10 (2014). DOI: 10.1186/s40677-014-0010-5.

Okayama, T., J. Prayitno Susanto, Indriyati & Kardono. “Social capacity of waste and material management of Jakarta.” WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 140 (2010): 109-120. DOI: 10.2495/WM100111.

Pasang, Haskarlianus, Graham A. Moore, Guntur Sitorus. “Neighbourhood-based waste management: A solution for solid waste problems in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Waste Management 27 (2007): 1924-1938. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2006.09.010.

Josephine Kim

  Bruel, Michaela., et al. Green Cities of Europe : Global Lessons on Green Urbanism. Island Press, 2014.

           Chapter 5: Helsinki, Finland: Greenness and Urban Form — Planning for Sustainability and Equity — The Finnish Planning System — The Green Areas Network as Part of a Sustainable City — Infill and Green City Strategies — Transportation and Mobility — Conclusion: Helsinki as a Green City — References — Primary Sources: Discussions and Conversations —

  Hokkanen, J., et al. “Multicriteria Decision Support in a Technology Competition for Cleaning Polluted Soil in Helsinki.” Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 60, no. 4, Elsevier Ltd, 2000, pp. 339–48, doi:10.1006/jema.2000.0389.

  Kati, Vierikko, and Niemelä Jari. “Bottom-up thinking—Identifying Socio-Cultural Values of Ecosystem Services in Local Blue–green Infrastructure Planning in Helsinki, Finland.” Land Use Policy, vol. 50, Elsevier Ltd, 2016, pp. 537–47, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.09.031.

  Laakkonen, Simo, and Sari Laurila. “Changing Environments or Shifting Paradigms? Strategic Decision Making Toward Water Protection in Helsinki, 1850–2000.” AMBIO, vol. 36, no. 2, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2007, pp. 212–19, doi:10.1579/0044-7447(2007)36[212:CEOSPS]2.0.CO;2.

Rasanen, Tuomas. “Converging Environmental Knowledge: Re-Evaluating the Birth of Modern

Environmentalism in Finland.” Environment and History, vol. 18, no. 2, White Horse

Press, 2012, pp. 159–81, doi:10.3197/096734012X13303670112696.

In addition to environmental history, this article specifically covers the subject of chemical hazards, toxicity, and environmental toxicology.

Saikkonen, Paula. “From Unknown Problem to an Acknowledged Local Environmental Problem

– a Case of Polluted Soil in the City of Helsinki.” Local Environment, vol. 18, no. 8,

Routledge, 2013, pp. 888–903, doi:10.1080/13549839.2012.738658.

Saikku, M. Perspectives on the Environmental History of Helsinki: Changes in the City and Its

Environment During the 19th and 20th Centuries. no. 4, ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY,

2002, pp. 679–80, doi:10.2307/3986063.

Schonach, Paula. “From Now on We All Demand: Give Us Pure Ice! – Natural and Artificial Ice

in the Service of Food Hygiene in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Helsinki, Finland.”

Environment and History, vol. 26, no. 4, WHITE HORSE PRESS, 2020, pp. 521–48,


  Schonach, Paula. “Historical Paths of Environmental Injustice: a Century of Placing Industrial Facilities in Helsinki, Finland.” Local Environment, vol. 21, no. 4, Routledge, 2016, pp. 397–413, doi:10.1080/13549839.2014.985641.

  Soens, Tim., et al. Urbanizing Nature Actors and Agency (Dis)Connecting Cities and Nature Since 1500. Routledge, 2019.

  Vaneeckhaute, Céline. “Management of Ship-Generated Food Waste and Sewage on the Baltic Sea: A Review.” Waste Management, vol. 102, Pergamon Press,, 2020, pp. 12–20, doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2019.10.030.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Note: It is difficult to find historical sources on St. Petersburg and waste this time.

Asadpoori, Arsalan, Candido Ankomah, Ardalan Asadpoori, Oleg Derevianko, and Evgenii Shaburov. “Sustained Municipal Waste Management Models in Russian Megapolicies through Utilizing Waste-to-energy Technologies.” MATEC Web of Conferences 193, no.02039 (2018): 1-9.

Trumbull, Nathaniel S.. “Pressures on Urban Water Resources in Russia: The Case of St. Petersburg.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 48, no.4 (2007): 495-506.

Ucer, Deniz, Aleksey Ulybin, Sergey Zubkov, and Soofia Tahira Elias-Ozkan. “Analysis on the Mechanical Properties of Historical Brick Masonry after Machinery Demolition.” Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018): 186-195.


  • This work focuses on the demolition of a brick masonry building in St. Petersburg and analyzes the possibility of reusing the debris for new buildings.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Alfonso Pina, William H, and Clara Ines Pardo Martinez. “Urban Material Flow Analysis: An

Approach for Bogotá, Colombia.” Ecological Indicators 42 (2014): 32–42.

Danese, Giuseppe, and Candace A Martinez. “Laws That Enable Partnerships: The Case of

Proyecto Pensilvania in Bogotá, Colombia.” Man and the Economy 3, no. 2 (2016): 189–209.

J. Padilla, Alcides, and Juan C Trujillo. “Waste Disposal and Households’ Heterogeneity.

Identifying Factors Shaping Attitudes Towards Source-Separated Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia.” Waste Management (Elmsford) 74 (2018): 16–33.

Marello, Marta, and Ann Helwege. “Solid Waste Management and Social Inclusion of

Wastepickers: Opportunities and Challenges.” Latin American Perspectives 45, no. 1 (2018): 108–29.

Rausch, Jane M. “Modernization and the Changing Perceptions of Animals in Bogotá

Colombia, 1960 to the Present.” The Latin Americanist (Orlando, Fla.) 60, no. 3 (2016): 391–414.

Solano Meza, Johanna Karina, David Orjuela Yepes, Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri, and Eduardo

Cassiraga. “Predictive Analysis of Urban Waste Generation for the City of Bogotá, Colombia, through the Implementation of Decision Trees-Based Machine Learning, Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks.” Heliyon 5, no. 11 (2019): e02810–e02810.

Vergara, Sintana E, Anders Damgaard, and Daniel Gomez. “The Efficiency of Informality:

Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Informal Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 20, no. 1 (2016): 107–19.

Harry He

Wang, Huaidong, Honggui Han, Tingting Liu, Xi Tian, Ming Xu, Yufeng Wu, Yifan Gu, Yaru Liu, and Tieyong Zuo, “Internet +” recyclable resources: A new recycling mode in China,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134 (2018): 44-47.

Ichinose, Daisuke. “A Survey of Research on China’s Waste Management System.” In The Economics of Waste Management in East Asia, edited by Masahi Yamamoto and Eiji Hosoda, 54-74. New York: Routledge, 2016.

Lu, Xinwei and Chen Peng. “Study on Xi’an’s Urbanization Process And Environmental and Ecological Problems.” Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment 20, no. 1, 7-12.

Sawada, Eiji and Yirui Xu. “Extended Official Responsibility and the Red Card Rule in China.” In The Economics of Waste Management in East Asia, edited by Masahi Yamamoto and Eiji Hosoda, 137-152. New York: Routledge, 2016.

Shuang Peng

Goldstein, Joshua. Remains of the Everyday: A Century of Recycling in Beijing. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2021.

Landsberger, Stefan. Beijing Garbage: A City Besieged by Waste. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.

Tong, Xin, and Dongyan Tao. “The Rise and Fall of a ‘Waste City’ in the Construction of an ‘Urban Circular Economic System’: The Changing Landscape of Waste in Beijing.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 107, (2016):10-17.

Yang, Shi, and Christine Furedy. “Recovery of Wastes for Recycling in Beijing.” Environmental Conservation 20, no. 1 (1993): 79–82.

Juliana Kogan

Bradley, D J.”Environmental Restoration and Waste Management at Chernobyl.”  Radioactive waste management in the former USSR. Volume 3. United States: N. p., 1992. Web. doi:10.2172/10164380.

Kaplan, Frederick I. “The Origin and Function of the Subbotniks and Voskresniks.” Jahrbücher Für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. 13, no. 1, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1965, pp. 30–39,

  • This article talks about the origins of “subbotniks,” which were state-mandated days (on Saturday) where citizens of the USSR would collect waste and clean public spaces.

Каймонова, О. О. Переработка бумажных отходов / О. О. Каймонова, В. С. Софин // Молодежный вестник ИрГТУ. – 2016. – № 2. – С. 13.

(Kaymonova, O. V. “Paper waste processing.” Sofin Irkutsk National Research Technical University Youth Bulletin of ISTU. No. 2. – p. 13.

  • This discusses the Soviet practice of “makulatura” where books were given in exchange for reams of recycled paper.

Sim NM, Wilson DC, Velis CA, Smith SR. Waste management and recycling in the former Soviet Union: The City of Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan). Waste Management & Research. 2013, p.106-125.

В. М. Даниленко и др. / V.M. Danilenko et all., “Куренівська трагедія 13 березня 1961 р. у Києві: причини, обставини, наслідки. Документи і матеріали /  [Kurenivka Tragedy March 13, 1961 in Kiev: Causes, Circumstances, Consequences. Documents and materials]. 2012.

  • This discusses the Kurenivka Tragedy in Kyiv where a mudslide of liquid waste from brick factories and human remains occurred when a dam burst at the edge of the Babi Yar ravine (a site of mass massacre by Soviet authorities where bodies were discarded). The tsunami of waste completely destroyed 68 residential and 13 office buildings and left 1,300 people homeless.

Session 8 (Oct. 20) Technologies of Control and Comfort

Colleen Dougherty

Benton, Jack S., Sarah Cotterill, Jamie Anderson, Vanessa G. Macintyre, Matthew Gittins,

Matthew Dennis, and David P. French. “A Natural Experimental Study of Improvements

along an Urban Canal: Impact on Canal Usage, Physical Activity and Other Wellbeing

Behaviours.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18, no.

1(2021). doi:10.1186/s12966-021-01088-w.

“Bridgewater Canal.” Encyclopædia Britannica.

Heward, Emily. “Manchester Day 2016: 10 Incredible Ways Our City Changed the World.”

Manchester Evening News. June 18, 2016.


Johnson, Ben. “History of the Bridgewater Canal.” Historic UK.

Maw, Peter, Terry Wyke, and Alan Kidd. “Canals, Rivers, and the Industrial City: Manchester’s

Industrial Waterfront, 1790-1850.” The Economic History Review 65, no. 4 (2011):

1495-523. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0289.2011.00609.x.

Smith, Claire, Sarah Lindley, and Geoff Levermore. “Estimating Spatial and Temporal Patterns

of Urban Anthropogenic Heat Fluxes for UK Cities: The Case of Manchester.”

Theoretical and Applied Climatology 98, no. 1-2 (2009): 19-35.


“The Bridgewater Canal: A Proud Heritage.” Bridgewater Canal.

Levermore, G, and J Parkinson. “The Manchester Urban Heat Island and Adjustments for The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineer Calculations.” Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 37, no. 2 (2016): 128–35.

Levermore, GJ, JB Parkinson, PJ Laycock, and S Lindley. “The Urban Heat Island in Manchester 1996–2011.” Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 36, no. 3 (2015): 343–56.

Juliana Kogan

Рыженкова, А. В. Применение новых облицовочных материалов в оформлении современных фасадов жилых домов / А. В. Рыженкова // Международная научно-техническая конференция молодых ученых БГТУ им. В.Г. Шухова, Белгород, 01–20 мая 2017 года. – Белгород: Белгородский государственный технологический университет им. В.Г. Шухова, 2017. – С. 3549-3555.

[Ryzhenkova, A. V. “The use of new facing materials in the design of modern facades of residential buildings.” International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhova, 2017. pp. 3549-3555.]

  • This article discusses “Comfort Town,” a housing project in Kyiv which uses western European architecture and colorful block patterns to separate from monotonous rows of Soviet-era housing. The area is also equipped with parks, fountains, and playgrounds for the comfort of middle/upper class citizens.

Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian. “‘Suburbia.’” Kyiv, Ukraine: The City of Domes and Demons from the Collapse of Socialism to the Mass Uprising of 2013-2014, Amsterdam University Press, 2014, pp. 253–68.

  • Discussion of technological/ transportation innovations for Kyivans living in suburban districts and looking to “start living like a European.” New inventions for the middle class included shopping malls, city taxis called marshrutka, CCTV cameras, and individual (non-communal) dacha summer homes.

SAARI, SINIKUKKA, et al. “SHIFTING GROUND: How Megatrends Are Shaping the Eastern Neighbourhood.” THE EASTERN PARTNERSHIP A DECADE ON: Looking Back, Thinking Ahead, edited by Stanislav Secrieru and Sinikukka Saari, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), 2019, pp. 7–27,

  • More sustainable public transport systems such as trams and trolleys are being replaced by private cars and micro-vans (marshrutka). They offer ordinary people a chance to ride in luxurious cars, otherwise reserved for high officials or tourists.

Kallus, Rachel, and Yulia Vinnitsky. “THE DACHA: HOME AWAY FROM HOME.” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, vol. 33, no. 4, Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2016, pp. 271–92,

William Allgood

Schrag, Zachary M. The Great Society Subway: A History of the Washington Metro. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

Nickels, David Paull. Under the Wire how the Telegraph Changed Diplomacy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003.

  • Analyzes three diplomatic events (the War of 1812, the Trent Affair during the U.S. Civil War, and the 1917 Zimmermann telegram) which took place in Washington, D.C. and how the speed of communication impacted the events. 

Bodanis, David. Electric Universe: The Shocking True Story of Electricity. New York: Crown Publishers, 2005.

  • First chapter deals with electricity in Washington, D.C. in the nineteenth century. 

Monkman, Betty C. and Bruce White. The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families. New York: Abbeville Press, 2000.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Pombo, Carlos, and Rodrigo Taborda. “Performance and Efficiency in Colombia’s Power

Distribution System: Effects of the 1994 Reform.” Energy Economics 28, no. 3 (2006): 339–69.

Ramírez-Aguilar, Edwin Alejandro, and Léa Cristina Lucas Souza. “Urban Form and Population

Density: Influences on Urban Heat Island Intensities in Bogotá, Colombia.” Urban Climate 29 (2019): 100497–.

Rippy, J. Fred. “The Development of Public Utilities in Colombia.” The Hispanic

American Historical Review 25, no. 1 (1945): 132–37.

Josephine Kim

Brown, Christopher. Still Standing : a Century of Urban Train Station Design .

Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005.

Dahal, Karna, et al. “The Role of Renewable Energy Policies for Carbon Neutrality in Helsinki

Metropolitan Area.” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 40, Elsevier Ltd, 2018, pp.

222–32, doi:10.1016/j.scs.2018.04.015.

I’m not sure how helpful this source will be, but it may mention a few key words or policies that can link me to more historical aspects of the theme “technology and comfort.”

del Campo, Matias. Evoking Through Design : Contemporary Moods in Architecture. New York:

John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017.

Etingoff, Kim. Urban Development for the 21st Century : Managing Resources and Creating

Infrastructure . First edition., Apple Academic Press, 2016, doi:10.1201/b18765.

Part 3 Sustainable Housing; Chapter 9 Greenhouse Gas Implications Of Urban

Sprawl In The Helsinki Metropolitan Area

“Exchange Helsinki City Street Lighting and Park Areas. [Tender Documents : T27636096].”

MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd, 2015.

“Finland : Horse Manure Is Used to Generate 100% of the Electricity for This Years Helsinki

International Horse Show.” MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd, 2017.

“Finland : GREENLED Bags LED Streetlights Deal in HELSINKI.” MENA Report, Albawaba

(London) Ltd, 2015

“Finland : ISS Finland Offers Innovative Street Lighting in Helsinki.” MENA Report, Albawaba

(London) Ltd, 2013.

Hasan, Ala, et al. “A Combined Low Temperature Water Heating System Consisting of

Radiators and Floor Heating.” Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, no. 5, Elsevier B.V, 2009,

pp. 470–79, doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2008.11.016.

Innamaa, Satu, and Merja Penttinen. “Impacts of a Green-Driving Application in City Buses on

Fuel Consumption, Speeding and Passenger Comfort.” IET Intelligent Transport

Systems, vol. 8, no. 5, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014, pp. 435–44,


Klein, Johannes, et al. “Legitimacy of Urban Climate Change Adaptation: a Case in Helsinki.”

Regional Environmental Change, vol. 16, no. 3, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, pp.

815–26, doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0797-y.

This source may be an indirect way to study Helsinki’s approach to comfort and


Laakso, Senja, et al. “Towards Sustainable Energy Consumption: Challenging Heating-Related

Practices in Denmark, Finland, and Hungary.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 308,

Elsevier Ltd, 2021, p. 127220–, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127220.

Mesimäki, Marja, et al. “Neo-Spaces for Urban Livability? Urbanites’ Versatile Mental Images of

Green Roofs in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland.” Land Use Policy, vol. 61,

Elsevier Ltd, 2017, pp. 587–600, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.11.021.

Rachel Wong

I decided to focus on the recent implementation of the rapid bus routes as a form of technology that improved Jakarta’s public transport infrastructure and the public’s convenience.

Angelina, Synthia, Dirk Vallee, Conny Louen. “The Barriers in the Implementation Process and the Operation of Innovative Urban Transport: The Case of BRT Jakarta.” WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 176 (2017): 69-80.

Hasibuan, Hayati Sari, Tresna P Soemardi, Raldi Koestoer, Setyo Moersidik. 2013. “The Role of Transit Oriented Development in constructing urban environment sustainability, the case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia.” In Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security, Kyoto, 622-631. Procedia Environmental Sciences.

Kumar, Ajay, Samuel Zimmerman, O.P. Agarwal. International Experience in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation: Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Lagos, Johannesburg, Jakarta, Delhi, and Ahmedabad. Washington D.C.: World Bank. 2012.

Nelloh, Liza Agustina Maureen, Sri Handayani, Mulyadi Wiguna Slamet, and Adhi Setyo Santoso. “Travel Experience on Travel Satisfaction and Loyalty of BRT Public Transportation.” The Asian Journal of Technology Management 12.1 (2019): 15-30.

Ruhao Wen

Borisov, Vasily P.. “Technology in Russia: History, Events, Views.” International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) 22 (2016): 20-27.


Coopersmith, Jonathan. The Electrification of Russia, 1880-1926. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1992.

  • Especially Chapter 3, “Electrification, 1886-1914.”

Note: This book is the first source listed in Timo Myllyntaus’s references; that is how I initially found the book. Chapter 3 discusses St. Petersburg, Moscow, lamps, electric lighting etc..

Kolgushkina, Svetlana. “Artificial Light Emission Analysis for the City of St. Petersburg.” SHS

            Web of Conferences 43, no.01011 (2018): 1-8.


Myllyntaus, Timo. “Electrical Imperialism or Multinational Cooperation? The Role of Big Business in Supplying Light and Power to St. Petersburg before 1917.” Business and Economic History 26, no.2 (Winter 1997): 540-549.


Carla Adams

Brandl, Jana, and Irina Zielinska. “Reviewing the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy’s Potential as an Eco-Social Policy in the Context of Quality of Work and Socio-Ecological Transformation.” Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) 12, no. 3 (2020): 859–.

Fernandez-Anez, Victoria, José Miguel Fernández-Güell, and Rudolf Giffinger. “Smart City Implementation and Discourses: An Integrated Conceptual Model. The Case of Vienna.” Cities 78 (2018): 4–16.

Mocca, Elisabetta, Michael Friesenecker, and Yuri Kazepov. “Greening Vienna. The Multi-Level Interplay of Urban Environmental Policy-Making.” Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) 12, no. 4 (2020): 1577–.

Schuster, Andreas. “Vienna Smart City Pilot Project.” Transmission & Distribution World, 2019.

Taelor Logan

•Fiévé Nicolas, and Paul Waley. 2013. Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective : Place, Power and Memory in Kyoto, Edo and Tokyo. London ; New York: Routledge.

•Tran, Yen, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, and Hitomi Sato. 2020. “On the Reciprocal Relationship between Environmental Concerns and Car Use: Evidence from Nagoya, Japan.” Asian Transport Studies 6: 100002.

•Yang, Jia, Hideki Kato, and Ryosuke Ando C. 2015. “Comparative Analysis of the Household Car Ownership between Toyota City and Nagoya City.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11.

•Zheng, Li, Jiangqian Ying, Rui Song, and Tingting Li. 2012. “Relationship between Urban Structure and Railway System in Nagoya Metropolitan Area.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 43: 98–110.

•Wang, Lisha, Meilan Jiang, Tomio Miwa, Eleni Bardaka, and Takayuki Morikawa. 2020. “Preliminary Study on Transit-Induced Residential Gentrification in Nagoya, Japan.” Asian Transport Studies 6 (January): 100022.

•“Nagoya, Japan Population (2021) – Population Stat.” n.d.

Harry He

Zhu, Caihui and Li Ning. “Ground Settlement Caused by Subway Construction in Xi’an and Its Influence on The City Wall.” Rock and Soil Mechanics 32, no. 1 (2011): 538-544.

Yin, Jiangbin, Cao Xinyu, and Huang Xiaoyan. “Association between subway and life satisfaction: Evidence from Xi’an, China.” Transportation Research. Part D, Transport And Environment 96 (2021).

Zhang, Jinge. “Research on the Combination of The Xi’an Railway Station Reconstruction and the Subway Station.” Journal of Railway Engineering Society 32, no. 6 (2015):87-91

Session 9 (Oct. 27) The City as Real Estate

Juliana Kogan

Atanasov, Vitaly. “Housing Policy in Post-Soviet Ukraine.” Commons (Spil’ne) Issue No. 2: Transformations of urban space. 4 May 2011.

Kalʹnytsʹkyii Mykhailo, and N. N. Kondelʹ-Perminova. Building Kyiv in the Era of Classical Capitalism”. VARTO, 2012.

Lyasheva, Alona. “Housing in Kyiv: Why Do I Have Nowhere to Live?” Commons (Spil’ne), 5 Feb. 2018,

Shirochin, Semyon. “The Housing Question in Kyiv and Social Inequality: The History of the Problem.” Commons (Spil’ne), 9 June 2017,

Rachel Wong

Leaf, Michelle. “Land Rights for Residential Development in Jakarta, Indonesia: the Colonial Roots of Contemporary Urban Dualism.” International Journal of Urban & Regional Research 17. 4 (1993): 477-491. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1993.tb00236.x.

Lewis, Blane David. “Revisiting the Price of Residential Land in Jakarta.” Urban Studies 44.11 (2007): 2179-2194. DOI: 10.1080/00420980701518974.

Liong, Ju Tjung, Helga Leitner, Eric Sheppard, Suryono Herlambang, Wahyu Astuti. “Space Grabs: Colonizing the Vertical City.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 44.6 (2020): 1072-1082. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12949.

Wade, Matt. “Hyper-planning Jakarta: The Great Garuda and planning the global spectacle.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 40 (2019): 158-172. DOI:10.1111/sjtg.12262.

William Allgood

Gallaher, Carolyn. The Politics of Staying Put: Condo Conversion and Tenant Right-to-Buy in Washington, DC. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2016.

Logan, Cameron. Historic Capital: Preservation, Race, and REal Estate in Washington, D.C. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017.

Prince, Sabiyha. African Americans and Gentrification in Washington, D.C.: Race, Class and Social Justice in the Nation’s Capital. London: Routledge, 2016.

Williams, Brett. Upscaling Downtown: Stalled Gentrification in Washington, D.C. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2018.

Josephine Kim

Andersson, Roger, Ingar Brattbakk, and Mari Vaattovaara. “Natives’ Opinions on Ethnic

Residential Segregation and Neighbourhood Diversity in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm.”

Housing Studies 32, no. 4 (2017): 491–516.

AS JASON MITCHELL. “Helsinki Makes Its Mark on Real Estate Radars.” Foreign Direct

Investment, 2018, 16–.

Einiö, Mikko, Markku Kaustia, and Vesa Puttonen. “Price Setting and the Reluctance to Realize

Losses in Apartment Markets.” Journal of Economic Psychology 29, no. 1 (2008): 19–34.

Eskela, Elina. “Housing Pathways of Skilled Migrants: Indian Professionals in Helsinki, Finland.”

Housing, Theory, and Society 35, no. 4 (2018): 474–94.

Karhu, Jessica, Ari Laitala, Heidi Falkenbach, and Anna-Liisa Sarasoja. “The Green Preferences of Commercial Tenants in Helsinki.” Journal of Corporate Real Estate 14, no. 1 (2012): 50–62.

Kauko, Tom. Comparing Spatial Features of Urban Housing Markets : Recent Evidence of Submarket Formation in Metropolitan Helsinki and Amsterdam . Delft, The Netherlands: DUP Science, 2005.

Oikarinen, Elias, and Heidi Falkenbach. “Foreign Investors’ Influence on the Real Estate Market

Capitalization Rate – Evidence from a Small Open Economy.” Applied Economics 49, no.

32 (2017): 3141–55.

Puustinen, Tuulia Leila Maria, and Kauko Jussi Viitanen. “Infill Development on Collectively

Owned Residential Properties: Understanding the Decision-Making Process – Case

Studies in Helsinki.” Housing, Theory, and Society 32, no. 4 (2015): 472–98.

Toivonen, Saija, and Kauko Viitanen. “Forces of Change Shaping the Future Commercial Real

Estate Market in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in Finland.” Land Use Policy 42 (2015):


Tuominen, Pekka. “Historical and Spatial Layers of Cultural Intimacy: Urban Transformation of a

Stigmatised Suburban Estate on the Periphery of Helsinki.” Social Inclusion 8, no. 1

(2020): 34–43.

Tyvimaa, Tanja, Karen M Gibler, and Velma Zahirovic-Herbert. “The Effect of Ground Leases on

House Prices in Helsinki.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 30, no. 3

(2015): 451–70.

Vähäaho, Ilkka. “Development for Urban Underground Space in Helsinki.” Energy Procedia 96 (2016): 824–32.

Wiewel, Wim., and David C. Perry. Global Universities and Urban Development Case Studies and Analysis . Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.

The university, the city, and land : context and introduction / David C. Perry and Wim

Wiewel — The university of Helsinki as a developer

Miguel Torres Yunda

Alfonso, Oscar A. “Residential real estate market and metropolitan residential order in

Bogota.” EURE 38, no. 114 (201)

Garza, Nestor, and Colin Lizieri. “A Spatial-Temporal Assessment of the Land Value

Development Tax.” Land Use Policy 50 (2016): 449–60.

Luna, Paola. La Ciudad Maquillada.: Gentrificación En El Barrio La Macarena. (The Dressed

Up City: Gentrification in The Macarena Neighborhood) 1st ed.

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 2017.

Perez, Federico. “Excavating Legal Landscapes: Juridical Archaeology and the

Politics of Bureaucratic Materiality in Bogotá, Colombia.” Cultural Anthropology 31, no. 2 (2016): 215–43.

Pablo Bocarejo, Juan, Ingrid Portilla, and David Melendez. “Social Fragmentation as a

Consequence of Implementing a Bus Rapid Transit System in the City of Bogotá.” Urban Studies (Edinburgh, Scotland) 53, no. 8 (2016): 1617–34.

Colleen Dougherty

Cauvain, Jenni, Andrew Karvonen, and Saska Petrova. “Market-based Low-carbon Retrofit in

Social Housing: Insights from Greater Manchester.” Journal of Urban Affairs 40, no. 7

(2018): 937-51. doi:10.1080/07352166.2018.1439340.

Lombard, Melanie. “The Experience of Precarity: Low-paid Economic Migrants’ Housing in

Manchester.” Housing Studies, 2021, 1-19. doi:10.1080/02673037.2021.1882663.

Nevell, Michael. “Excavating ‘Hell Upon Earth’ Towards a Research Framework for the

Archaeological Investigation of Workers’ Housing: Case Studies from Manchester, UK.”

Industrial Archaeology Review 39, no. 2 (2017): 85-100.


Young, Craig, Martina Diep, and Stephanie Drabble. “Living with Difference? The

Cosmopolitan City and Urban Reimaging in Manchester, UK.” Urban Studies 43, no. 10

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Shuang Peng

Raff, Daniel, Susan Wachter, and Se Yan. “Real Estate Prices in Beijing, 1644 to 1840.” Explorations in Economic History 50, no. 3 (2013): 368-86.

Qin, Bo, Sun Sheng Han. “Emerging Polycentricity in Beijing: Evidence from Housing Price Variations, 2001-2005.” Urban Studies 50, no. 10 (2013): 2006-23.

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Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Bonneville, Marc. “Real-estate in Russia from Socialism to the Market Economy: The Case of

            St. Petersburg.” European Planning Studies 4, issue 5 (1996): 513-526. DOI: 10.1080/09


Dixon, Megan. “Gazprom versus the Skyline: Spatial Displacement and Social Contention in St.

            Petersburg.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34, no.1 (2010): 35-

            54. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00871.x.

Tykanova, Elena, and Anisya Khokhlova. “Grassroots Urban Protests in St. Petersburg:

            (Non-)Participation in Decision-Making about the Futures of City Territories.”

            International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 33 (2020): 181-202. https://doi.


Vilken, Viktoriya, Olga Kalinina, and Alissa Dubgorn. “Specificity of High-rise Construction

            and Real Estate Markets in the Regional Economy: An Analysis of Russian Practice

            (Example of St. Petersburg).” E3S Web of Conferences 33, no.03012 (2018): 1-7. https://


Harry He

Shi, Yufang and Li Huimin. “The Impact on Real Estate along the Rail Line of URT in Xi’an.” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology 42, no. 2 (2010): 231-235.

Zhou, Jiangping, Zhang Chun, Chen Xiaojian, Huang Wei, and Yu Peng. “Has the Legacy of Danwei Persisted in Transformations? The Jobs-Housing Balance and Commuting Efficiency in Xi’an.” Journal of Transport Geography 40 (2014): 64-76.

Lan, Feng, Qi Wu, Tao Zhou, and Huili Da. “Spatial Effects of Public Service Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices: A Case Study of Xi’an, China.” Sustainability 10, no. 12 (2018).

Xue, Chao, Ju Yongfeng, Li Shuguang, and Zhou Qilong. “Research on the Sustainable Development of Urban Housing Price Based on Transport Accessibility: A Case Study of Xi’an, China.” Sustainability 12, no. 4 (2020). DOI:10.3390/su12041497.

Yang, Haijuan, Gao Erlong, Zhao Xinzheng, and Li Mengxue. “Research on the Evolution of the Spatial Pattern of Commodity Housing Price in Xi′an City.” Science of Surveying and Mapping 42, no. 3 (2017): 86-92.

Jane Zhang

Gaubatz, Piper. “China’s Urban Transformation: Patterns and Processes of Morphological Change in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.” Urban Studies (Edinburgh, Scotland) 36, no. 9 (1999): 1495–1521.

Hsing, You-tien. The Great Urban Transformation Politics of Land and Property in China. Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2010.

Wong, Siu Wai, Bo-Sin Tang, and Jinlong Liu. “Village Redevelopment and Desegregation as a Strategy for Metropolitan Development: Some Lessons from Guangzhou City.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 42, no. 6 (2018): 1064–79.

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Esherick, Joseph. Remaking the Chinese City: Modernity and National Identity, 1900-1950. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2000.

Liang, Samuel Y. Remaking China’s Great Cities: Space and Culture in Urban Housing, Renewal, and Expansion. Asia’s Transformations 43. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2014.

Zhu, Jieming. The Transition of China’s Urban Development: From Plan-Controlled to Market-Led. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1999.

Huang, Xin. “Transforming Danwei Housing: How Can the Old Residential Courts from the 1980s to 1990s in Guangzhou Respond to Diversified Demands in Urban Renewal?,” 2017.

Flock, Ryanne, Werner Breitung, and Li Lixun. “Commodity Housing and the Socio-Spatial Structure in Guangzhou.” China Perspectives 2013, no. 2 (June 1, 2013): 41–51.

Taelor Logan

Emi, Koichi. “CAPITAL FORMATION IN RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE IN JAPAN, 1887-1940.” The Annals of the Hitotsubashi Academy 9, no. 2 (1959): 233–43.

Eyre, J., 1982. Nagoya: The Changing Geography of a Japanese Regional Metropolis. Chapel Hill, N.C: Dep. of Geogr., Univ. of North Carolina. Ch.3: Population, Housing, and Transportation.

Mitsui, Sakae, and Yoshiro Azuma. 2014. “Evaluation of Community Development Project by a Residents’ Consciousness Survey: Case Study of Minato-Machidukurikyogikai in Nagoya. (In Japanese. With English Summary.).” Studies in Regional Science 44 (1): 123–35. doi:

Scheer, Matthias Karl. “The Development of Japanese Land Use Planning.” Oriens Extremus 26, no. 1/2 (1979): 156–72.

~ Emi and Scheer focus more on Japan in general and mention Nagoya a little, but it has useful information.

Carla Adams

Aigner, Anita. “What’s wrong with investment apartments? On the construction of a ‘financialized’ rental investment product in Vienna.” Housing Studies (2020). doi:10.1080/02673037.2020.1806992 (published originally online, no volume # available)

Bucher, Barbara, and Andreas Kolbitsch. “Coming to Terms with Value: Heritage Policy in Vienna.” Heritage & Society 12, no. 1 (2019): 41–56.

Kral, Ulrich, Reimer Ferdinand, Tuz Havvanur, and Hengl Ingeborg. “Building Schematic of Vienna in the Late 1920s.” Scientific Data 8, no. 1 (2021). doi:

Nozeman, Ed F. and Arno J. Van der Vlist. “Geopolitical Changes in Vienna’s Real Estate Market.” In European Metropolitan Commercial Real Estate Markets, 281-300. Berlin: Springer, 2014.

Session 10 (Nov. 3) Cities and Colonialism

Rachel Wong

Colombijn, Freek. “Public Housing in Post-colonial Indonesia: The revolution of rising expectations.” Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 167.4 (2011): 437-458.

Kehoe, Marsely L. “Dutch Batavia: Exposing the Hierarchy of the Dutch Colonial City.” Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art 7 (2015) 1-29. DOI:10.5092/jhna.2015.7.1.3.

Kooy, Michelle and Karen Bakker. “Technologies of Government: Constituting Subjectivities, Spaces, and Infrastructures in Colonial and Contemporary Jakarta.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32.2 (2008): 375-391. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2008.00791.x.

Leggett, William H. “Institutionalising the Colonial Imagination: Chinese Middlemen and the Transnational Corporate Office in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36.8 (2010): 1265-1278. DOI: 10.1080/13691831003687709.

Lukito, Yulia Nurliani. “Colonial Exhibition and a Laboratory of Modernity: Hybrid Architecture at Batavia’s Pasar Gambir.” Indonesia 100 (2015): 77-104.

Sastramidjaja, Yatun. “This is Not a Trivialization of the Past: Youthful Re-Mediations of Colonial Memory in Jakarta.” Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 170 (2014): 443-472. DOI: 10.1163/22134379-17004002.

William Allgood

Moore, Colin D. American Imperialism and the State, 1893-1921. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Quince, Charles. Resistance to the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars: Anti-imperialism and the Role of the Press, 1895-1902. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2017.

Burns, Adam D. American Imperialism: the Territorial Expansion of the United States, 1783-2013. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017.

Shuang Peng

Moser, Michael J., Yeone Wei-Chih Moser. Foreigners within the Gates: The Legations at Peking. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Boyd, Julia. A Dance with the Dragon: The Vanished World of Peking’s Foreign Colony. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2012.

Cranmer-Byng, J. L. “The Old British Legation at Peking, 1860-1959: Based on a Lecture Delivered on 20 August, 1962.” Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 3, (1963): 60-87.

Zhang, Fuhe. 图说北京近代建筑史 (The Modern Architectural History of Beijing). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2008.

Tan, Yixiao. 北京东交民巷 (The History of Beijing Legation Street). Tianjin: Tianjin University Press, 2008.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Gómez-Navas, Diana, and Adrián Serna-Dimas. “From Old Colonial Estates to New

Modern Suburbs: The Emergence of the First Middle-Class Neighborhoods in Bogotá, Colombia (1925-1945).” Journal of Urban History 43, no. 6 (2017): 979–99.

Kalmanovitz, Salomón, and Edwin López Rivera. “La Economía de Santafé de Bogotá En

1810.” (The Economy of Santafé de Bogotá in 1810)  Revista de Historia Económica 30, no. 2 (2012): 191–223.

Maya Restrepo, Luz Adriana. “Institutional Racism, Violence, and Political Cultures. Colonial

Legacies and the Politics of Difference in Colombia.” Historia crítica (Bogotá, Colombia), no. special edition (2009): 218–45.

Rappaport, Joanne. “‘Asi Lo Paresçe Por Su Aspeto’: Physiognomy and the Construction

of Difference in Colonial Bogotá.” The Hispanic American Historical Review 91, no. 4 (2011): 601–31.

Torres, Max S. Hering. “La limpieza de sangre. problemas de interpretación:

Acercamientos históricos y metodológicos.” (Blood Cleanliness. Problems of interpretation: Historical and methodological approaches) Historia crítica (Bogotá, Colombia), no. 45 (2011): 32–55.

Carla Adams

Kruse, Kevin Michael, and Gyan Prakash. “Streets, Imaginaries, and Modernity: Vienna Is Not Berlin” in The Spaces of the Modern City : Imaginaries, Politics, and Everyday Life . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.

Nitsch, Volker. “Does History Matter for Urban Primacy? The Case of Vienna.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 33, no. 4 (2003): 401–18.

Rotenberg, Robert. “Metropolitanism and the Transformation of Urban Space in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Metropoles.” American Anthropologist 103, no. 1 (2001): 7–15.

Colleen Dougherty

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Ruhao (Amy) Wen

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            Might Have Been.” Slavic Review 69, no.1 (Spring 2010): 120-150.


Josephine Kim

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Henry Minde — Between the global movement and national politics: Sami identity politics in Finland from the 1970s to the early 1990s

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Rewriting Finnish History.” Scandinavian Studies 91, no. 12 (2019): 163–81.

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Juliana Kogan

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Harry He

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Li, Leah Cheung Ah. Where the Past Meets the Future: The Politics of Heritage in Xi’an. Münster, Zürich: Lit-Verlag, 2019.

Taelor Logan

CHAO, Chin-yung. n.d. Review of The Archaeology of Late Modern History in Taiwan and Why Does It Matter. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.

Sorensen, André. 2002. The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and Planning from Edo to the Twenty-First Century. London; New York: Routledge.

Jun Uchida, and Asia Center. 2014. Brokers of Empire: Japanese Settler Colonialism in Korea, 1876-1945. Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London: Harvard University Asia Center.

This subject was not the strongest for Nagoya so I chose to look at things broadly. The Chao dissertation mentioned that Nagoya port being a location for Japanese ships and munitions were sent out to colonize Taiwan. Considering Japan’s interest in Taiwan and Korea around the same time, I look at works focusing on Japan’s colonization of these countries. Interestingly, the Sorensen book focuses on Japan’s urban growth throughout the years which did not explicitly focus on the week’s topic but was an interesting find.

Session 11 (Nov. 10) Streets, Crowds, and Anxious Modernity

William Allgood

Summers, Brandi Thompson. “Race, Authenticity, and the Gentrified Aesthetics of Belonging in Washington, D.C.” In Aesthetics of Gentrification: Seductive Spaces and Exclusive Communities in the Neoliberal City, ed. Christoph Linder and Gerard F. Sandoval, 115-136. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021.

  • The above chapter is the first piece under “Part 2: Anxiety and Visibility”

Gottlieb, Miriam Mizrachi. Acculturation and Anxiety: A Study of Hispanic Immigrants in the Washington, D.C. Area. University of Maryland, 1981.

  • Dissertation

Deng, Jinyang, Rogelio Andrada, and Chad Pierskalla. “Visitors’ and Residents’ Perceptions of Urban Forests for Leisure in Washington D.C.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 28 (Dec 2017): 1-11.

Josephine Kim

Andersson, Roger, Ingar Brattbakk, and Mari Vaattovaara. “Natives’ Opinions on Ethnic

Residential Segregation and Neighbourhood Diversity in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm.”

Housing Studies 32, no. 4 (2017): 491–516.

This is a source I found for a different week’s theme. I think its findings may be applicable to city life’s psychological impact in terms of diversity, immigration, and segregation.

Ashkezari-Toussi, Soheila, Mohammad Kamel, and Hadi Sadoghi-Yazdi. “Emotional Maps

Based on Social Networks Data to Analyze Cities Emotional Structure and Measure

Their Emotional Similarity.” Cities 86 (2019): 113–24.

Assmuth, Timo, Daniela Hellgren, Leena Kopperoinen, Riikka Paloniemi, and Lasse Peltonen.

“Fair Blue Urbanism: Demands, Obstacles, Opportunities and Knowledge Needs for Just

Recreation Beside Helsinki Metropolitan Area Waters.” International Journal of Urban

Sustainable Development 9, no. 3 (2017): 253–73.

Bernelius, Venla, Heidi Huilla, and Isabel Ramos Lobato. “‘Notorious Schools’ in ‘Notorious

Places’? Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation.” Social

Inclusion 9, no. 2 (2021): 154–65.

This is a source to indirectly consider the psychological impact of city life for schoolchildren and their families.

Chalus, Elaine, and Marjo Kaartinen. Gendering Spaces in European Towns, 1500-1914 . New

York: Routledge, 2019.

How are the experiences of modernity, anxiety, and city spaces different across gender? I think this source may help me answer it.

Clark, Peter. The European City and Green Space : London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St.

Petersburg, 1850-2000 . Aldershot, England ;: Ashgate, 2006.

I’m interested in this because of the connection between green spaces and mental health.

Eskela, Elina. “Housing Pathways of Skilled Migrants: Indian Professionals in Helsinki, Finland.”

Housing, Theory, and Society 35, no. 4 (2018): 474–94.

This fits better under the theme real estate, but I wonder if I can tap into some of the modern anxieties of these particular Helsinki residents indirectly.

Fransberg, Malin. “Performing Gendered Distinctions: Young Women Painting Illicit Street Art

and Graffiti in Helsinki.” Journal of Youth Studies 22, no. 4 (2019): 489–504.

Hannikainen, Matti O. “Planning a Green City: The Case of Helsinki, 2002–2018.” In Planning

Cities with Nature, 121–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

Hessler, Martina., and Clemens. Zimmermann. “Creative Urban Milieus : Historical Perspectives

on Culture, Economy, and the City .” Frankfurt ;: Campus Verlag, 2008.

Krivy, Maros. “Don’t Plan! The Use of the Notion of ‘Culture’ in Transforming Obsolete Industrial

Space.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37, no. 5 (2013):


Kyrö, Tuomas, and David McDuff. The Beggar & the Hare : a Novel . First Marble Arch Press

trade paperback edition. New York, NY: Marble Arch Press, 2014.

This fictional work is about the “social life and customs” of 21st century Finland. The

main protagonist is a Romanian beggar/construction worker who meets a hare that has

been “sentenced to death for living within Helsinki’s city limits.” They go on a journey

together “from Lapland to the National Idea Park construction site, to the upper echelons

of Finnish politics.”

I am fascinated by this source. It may be a creative way to study Helsinki’s social

relations, class dynamics, diversity challenges, and the “psychological impact of city life.”

The protagonist has two main desires – to find himself a future and a pair of football

shoes for his son.

Moll, Veera, and Hanna Kuusi. “From City Streets to Suburban Woodlands: The Urban Planning Debate on Children’s Needs, and Childhood Reminiscences, of 1940s-1970s Helsinki.” Urban History 48, no. 1 (2021): 125–42.

This source is frequently in my search results. Even though the class theme is different

every week and I use different search terms, it always comes up. It seems like a core piece in the Helsinki urban history scholarship.

 Mulari, Heta. “Emotional Encounters and Young Feminine Choreographies in the Helsinki Metro.” Girlhood Studies 13, no. 1 (2020):


Tani, Sirpa. “Whose Place Is This Space? Life in the Street Prostitution Area of Helsinki,

Finland.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26, no. 2 (2002):


Tervo, Anne, and Jukka Hirvonen. “Solo Dwellers and Domestic Spatial Needs in the Helsinki

Metropolitan Area, Finland.” Housing Studies 35, no. 7 (2020): 1194–1213.

“The White City—Tel Aviv’s Modern MovementMuseum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki 12

February–30 March 2014.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 73, no. 4

(2014): 586–88.

I’m interested in why Helsinki was selected as the location for this museum. Maybe there are clues in this source.I wonder if the internationalized perception of Finland and Helsinki might influence how locals perceive their own city and own lifestyles as the “good life.”

Vaaranen, Heli. “The Emotional Experience of Class: Interpreting Working-Class Kids’ Street

Racing in Helsinki.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

595, no. 1 (2004): 91–107.

Vanolo, Alberto. “Internationalization in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area: Images, Discourses and

Metaphors.” European Planning Studies 16, no. 2 (2008): 229–52.

 Varady, David P, and Harry Schulman. “Social Disorders in the Early Stages of Public Housing Decline: A Helsinki Case Study.”

Housing Studies 22, no. 3 (2007): 313–32.

Yli-Pelkonen, Vesa. “Importance of Recreational Ecosystem Services in Helsinki, Finland.”

Management of Environmental Quality 24, no. 3 (2013): 365–82.

Rachel Wong

Simone, AbdouMaliq. “Cities of Uncertainty: Jakarta, the Urban Majority, and Inventive Political Technologies.” Theory, Culture, and Society 30.7 (2013): 243-263.

Sudana, Traci Marie. “Young Banyumasan Street Traders as Shapeshifters of Modernity: Refreshment, Production, and the Pursuit of Pranks and Jokes in Jakarta.” Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 13.1 (2021): 205-236.

Tilley, Lisa, Juanita Elias, and Lena Rethel. “Undoing ruination in Jakarta: the gendered remaking of life on a wasted landscape.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 19.4 (2017): 522-529.

Juliana Kogan

Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian. “The Center Of Kyiv”. Kyiv, Ukraine: The City of Domes and Demons
            from the Collapse of Socialism to the Mass Uprising of 2013-2014
, Amsterdam:
            Amsterdam University Press, 2014, pp. 151-188.

Pace, Garrett Todd. “Street Children in Ukraine.” Brigham Young University, 2018. Journal of
            Global Awareness
2012, Volume 12, pages 65-71.

Makaryk, Irena R. “Modernism in Kyiv: Jubilant Experimentation.” Modernism in Kyiv: Jubilant Experimentation, edited by Irena R. Makaryk and Virlana Tkacz, University of Toronto Press, 2010, pp. 16–24,

  • Regarding the burgeoning avant-garde art/film movement in the 20th century.

Skuratovsky, Vadim. “Цикл Фотографий А. Ранчукова ‘Образ Жизни – Советский’.
            Украинская Фотография.” A Series of Photographs by Alexander Ranchukov “Soviet
            Lifestyle” Ukrainian Photography
, , 4 Jan. 2012,

  • Alexander Ranchukov was a Ukrainian street photographer who would document daily “still life” in Kyiv during the Soviet era.

Miguel Torres Yunda

Calderon-Restrepo, Cristina. A Mixed-Use and Walkable Bogotá: A Transit-Oriented Strategy

for the City’s First Fixed-Rail Public Transit Corridor. Georgetown University, 2018.

Falla, Ana Maria Vargas, and Sandra C Valencia. “Beyond State Regulation of Informality:

Understanding Access to Public Space by Street Vendors in Bogotá.” International Development Planning Review 41, no. 1 (2019): 85–105.

Guzman, Luis A, Javier Peña, and Juan Antonio Carrasco. “Assessing the Role of the Built

Environment and Sociodemographic Characteristics on Walking Travel Distances in Bogotá.” Journal of Transport Geography 88 (2020): 102844–.

Jimenez-Vaca, Andres L, Valentina Guatibonza-Garcia, Carlos O Mendivil, Paula Bibiana

Garcia Cardona, and Alvaro Rodriguez-Valencia. “Effect of Urban Trips on Stress and Cognitive Performance, a Study in Bogota, Colombia.” Journal of Transport & Health 16 (2020): 100822–.

Rodríguez, Alberto Vargas. “Bogotá: La Ciudad y El Arte Urbano.” In Ciudad

Contemporánea, edited by Alberto Vargas Rodríguez and Alberto Vargas Rodríguez, 1st ed., 21–68. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, 2011.

Rodriguez, Jesse. “Bogotá: A guide to a sustainable Metropolis.” International Pollution

Issues, CUNY Academic Commons. December, 2014.

Shultz, J M, H Verdeli, Á Gómez Ceballos, L J Hernandez, Z Espinel, L Helpman, Y Neria,

and R Araya. “A Pilot Study of a Stepped-Care Brief Intervention to Help Psychologically-Distressed Women Displaced by Conflict in Bogotá, Colombia.” Global Mental Health 6 (2019): e28–e28.

“History of Transmilenio.” Transmilenio.June  25, 2014.

Colleen Dougherty

Hulme, Tom. After the Shock City: Urban Culture and the Making of Modern Citizenship. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Royal Historical Society Publication Published by The Boydell Press, 2019.

Symons, Jessica. Realising the City: Urban Ethnography in Manchester. Edited by Camilla Lewis. Manchester University Press, 2018.

Wildman, Charlotte. Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester: 1918-1939. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.

Carla Adams

Frisby, David. 2008. “Streets, Imaginaries, and Modernity: Vienna Is Not Berlin.” In The Spaces of the Modern City: Imaginaries, Politics and Everyday Life, 21-57. N.p.: Princeton University Press.

Frisby, David. 2010. “The Significance and Impact of Vienna’s ringstrasse.” In Manifestoes and Transformations in the Early Modernist City, 229-253. N.p.: Taylor & Francis Group.

Gruber, Carmen, Kathrin Raminger, Takeru Shibayama, and Manuela Winder. 2018. “On the Vienna Corso: Changing street use and street design around the Vienna State Opera House 1860–1949.” The Journal of Transport History 39 (3): 292-315. DOI: 10.1177/0022526618790443.

Loos, Adolf. 1931. Ornament and Crime. Translated by Shaun Whiteside. N.p.: Penguin Classics.

Panin, Tonkao. 2016. “The Politics of Style: Vienna and the Ringstrasse.” NAJUA: Architecture, Design and Built Environment 30 (1): 3-14.

Payer, Peter. 2007. “The Age of Noise: Early Reactions in Vienna, 1870–1914.” Journal of Urban History 33, no. 5 (July): 773-793. DOI: 10.1177/0096144207301420.

Schorske, Carl E. 1981. Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books.

Watkins, Holly. 2008. “Schoenberg’s Interior Designs.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 61 (1): 123-206. DOI: 10.1525/jams.2008.61.1.123.

Winkler, Tanja. 2021. “Vienna’s Ringstrasse: A Spatial Manifestation of Sociopolitical Values.” Journal of Planning History 20 (3): 269-286. DOI: 10.1177/1538513220943146.

Taelor Logan

Morita, Kenji, Kazuki nakamura, and Varameth Vichiensan. 2020. “Walkability Evaluation with Virtual Reality for Street Edge Space Design.” Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 75 (6): I_137–43.

Benesch, Oleg, and Ran Zwigenberg. 2019. Japan’s Castles: Citadels of Modernity in War and Peace. Cambridge University Press.

Hall, John Whitney. “The Castle Town and Japan’s Modern Urbanization.” The Far Eastern Quarterly 15, no. 1 (1955): 37–56.

Phan, Thuong. 2021. “4K Japan Walk – Nagoya Station Outside Walking Tour (名古屋駅).”

Several chapters in Benesch’s Japan’s Castles mention Nagoya Castle. There’s an interesting discussion about the Meiji Era and on trying to distance themselves from the Shogun era before cleaning up the castles. Morita’s article on walkability in Nagoya compared to other cities is an interesting juxtaposition to vlogger Phan’s walking video. Morita’s article ranks Nagoya low compared to the other cities for not being as walkable (close spaces, designed for walking not cars); however, Phan’s video shows a city spacious enough to walk in comfort even during busy hours and locations.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Abbott, Robert J.. “Crime, Police, and Society in St. Petersburg, Russia, 1866-1878.” The

            Historian 40, no.1 (November 1977): 70-84.

Blair, Elaine. Literary St. Petersburg: A Guide to the City and Its Writers. New York: The Little

            Bookroom, 2006.

Lindenmeyr, Adele. “Raskolnikov’s City and the Napoleonic Plan.” In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s

Crime and Punishment: A Casebook, edited by Richard Peace, 37-49. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Lowe, Peter. “Prufrock in St. Petersburg: The Presence of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and

            Punishment in T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.’”Journal of Modern

            Literature 28, no.3 (Spring 2005): 1-24.

Matich, Olga. Petersburg/Petersburg: Novel and City, 1900-1921. Madison: The University of

            Wisconsin Press, 2010.

Wermuth-Atkinson, Judith. The Red Jester: Andrei Bely’s Petersburg as a Novel of the

            European Modern. Berlin: LIT, 2012.

Harry He

Yin, Jiangbin, Cao Xinyu, and Huang Xiaoyan. “Association between Subway and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Xi’an, China.” Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment 96 (2021).

Chen, Pingyuan, Wang Dewei, and Chen Xuechao. Xi’an Urban Impression and Cultural Memories. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2009.

Wei, Dong, Cao Xiaoshu, and Wang, Miaomiao. “What Determines the Psychological Well-Being during Commute in Xi’an: The Role of Built Environment, Travel Attitude, and Travel Characteristics.” Sustainability 11, no. 5 (2019).

Zhou, Zhifei, Yan Fei, and Li Hao. “Research on Old City Renewal Strategy Based on Social Relations on the Way of Pupils after School——Take Xi′an Old City as An Example.” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology 51, no. 6 (2019): 882-889.


Session 12 (Nov. 17) The City as Data: Surveying Populations

Rachel Wong

Chandra, Siddharth. “Glimpses of Indonesia’s 1965 Massacre through the Lens of the Census: Trucks and Roads in “Crushing” the PKI in East Java.” Indonesia 108 (2019) 1-21.

Firman, Tommy. “Metropolitan expansion and the growth of female migration to Jakarta.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint 40.1 (1999): 45-58.

Hull, Terence H. “First Results from the 2000 Population Census.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 37.1 (2001): 103-111.

Jones, Gavin W. and Ariane Utomo. “Migration, Ethnicity, and the Educational gradient in the Jakarta Mega-Urban Region: A Spatial Analysis.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 52.1 (2016): 55-76.

Juliana Kogan

Anderson, Barbara A., et al. “Developments and Prospects for Population Statistics in Countries of the Former Soviet Union.” Population Index, vol. 60, no. 1, Office of Population Research, 1994, pp. 4–20.

Greenfeld, Liah. “Soviet Sociology and Sociology in the Soviet Union.” Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 14, Annual Reviews, 1988, pp. 99–123.

Stebelsky, Ihor. “Ethnic Self-Identification in Ukraine, 1989-2001: Why More Ukrainians and Fewer Russians?” Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes, vol. 51, no. 1, Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 2009, pp. 77–100.

Szporluk, Roman. “Kiev as the Ukraine’s Primate City.” Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 3/4, President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1979, pp. 843–49.

Shuang Peng

Gamble, Sidney D., John Stewart Burgess. Peking: A Social Survey. Folkestone: Global Oriental, 2011.

Gamble, Sidney D. How Chinese Families Live in Peiping: A Study of the Income and Expenditure of 283 Chinese Families Receiving from $8 to $550 Silver per Year. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1933.

Tao, Menghe. 北平生活费之分析 (A Study of Living Expenses in Peiping). Beijing: Commercial Press, 2010.

Li, Jinghan. 北京郊区乡村家庭生活调查札记 (A Social Survey of Suburban Families in Beijing). Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing, 1981.

Wu, Jianyong. “民国初期北京的社会调查” (Social Surveys in Beijing in the Early Republic China). Social Sciences of Beijing, no. 1 (2000): 79-86.

William Allgood

Crosby, Alfred W. America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Gilmore, Matthew B. “Washington’s Lost Month: the 1918-19 Spanish Influenza Epidemic in the District of Columbia.” Washington DC History Resources. (accessed November 11, 2021).

Navarro, J. Alex and Howard Markel, ed. The American Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1919: A Digital Encyclopedia. S.v. “Washington, DC.” (accessed November 11, 2021).

Melder, Keith. City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of Washington, District of Columbia. Washington: Intac, Inc., 1983.

Vecchioli, D. “Epidemiologic Maps of Washington DC, 1878-1909.” Public Health Reports 111, no. 4 (1996): 314-19. (accessed November 11, 2021).

Carla Adams

Chevron, Marie-France. “Beginnings of Ethnology in the Anthropological Society in Vienna The first Phase of Institutionalization.” Anthropos 110, no. 2 (2015): 503–14.

Goederle, Wolfgang. “Administration, Science, and the State: The 1869 Population Census in Austria-Hungary.” Austrian History Yearbook 47 (2016): 61–88.

Rampley, Matthew. “Peasants in Vienna: Ethnographic Display and the 1873 World’s Fair.” Austrian History Yearbook 42, no. 42 (2011): 110–32.

Randeraad, Nico. “The Expansion of Europe: Vienna 1857”. In States and Statistics in the Nineteenth Century, (Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2020).

Svatek, Petra. “Ethnic Cartography and Politics in Vienna, 1918–1945.” The British Journal for the History of Science 51, no. 1 (2018): 99–121.

Josephine Kim

Erkkilä, Tero. Government Transparency : Impacts and Unintended

Consequences. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ;: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Moring, Beatrice. “Gender, Class and Lodging in Urban Finland Around 1900.”

Continuity and Change 31, no. 1 (2016): 47–77.

“Through the combination of surveys and census data with oral history collections

from early twentieth-century Finland a narrative is constructed of the life as a

lodger or landlord/landlady of the working class, demonstrating networks of

friendship and mutual support, as well as systems of lodging that were simple

economic arrangements for the survival of both parties.”

Tilastokeskus. “More than 250 Years of Population Censuses.” Statistics Finland, Statistics


Ruhao Wen

Aparin, B.F., and E. Yu. Sukhacheva. “Principles of Soil Mapping of a Megalopolis with

            St. Petersburg as an Example.” Eurasian Soil Science 47, no.7 (2014): 650-661.

            DOI: 10.1134/S1064229314070035.

Brown, J. David. “Excess Labour and Managerial Shortage: Findings from a Survey in St.

            Petersburg.” Europe-Asia Studies 48, no.5 (1996): 811-835.


Safarova, Gayane L., and Anna A. Safarova. “Age Structure of the Population of Moscow

            and St. Petersburg: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” Population and Economics 3,

            no.2 (2019): 23-42. DOI 10.3897/popecon.3.e47234.

Sokolov, Andrei K.. “From the Countryside to the Cities. A Comparative Historical Analysis of

            Rural-Urban Migration in Russia and in the Soviet Union during the Industrialization

Drive.” Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 16, no.2 (1991): 110-


Miguel Torres Yunda

Bucheli, Fernando. “Before Entering Adulthood: Developing an Index of Capabilities for

Young Adults in Bogota.” Applied Research in Quality of Life 16, no. 3 (2019): 965–1002.

del Castillo, Lina. “Surveying the Lands of Republican Indígenas: Contentious

Nineteenth-Century Efforts to Abolish Indigenous Resguardos Near Bogotá, Colombia.” Journal of Latin American Studies 51, no. 4 (2019): 771–99.

Sowell, David. “Population Growth in Late-Nineteenth-Century Bogotá: Insights on a

Demographic Dilemma.” Journal of Urban History 38, no. 4 (2012): 720–30.

Williams Castro, Fatimah. “Afro-Colombians and the Cosmopolitan City: New Negotiations

of Race and Space in Bogotá, Colombia.” Latin American Perspectives 40, no. 2 (2013): 105–17.

Taelor Logan

“Data on Population, Health and Education: Answers to Questionnaires Concerning Population(Part Japanese). Report No. 57a(1)(C), USSBS Index Section 2 – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション.” n.d. Accessed November 17, 2021.

“Data on Population, Health and Education: General Report on Education(Part Japanese). Report No. 57a(1)(I), USSBS Index Section 2 – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション.” n.d. Accessed November 17, 2021.

“Data on Population, Health and Education: Statistics Extracted from Medical Records. Report No. 57a(1)(H), USSBS Index Section 2 – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション.” n.d. Accessed November 17, 2021.

“Data on Population, Health and Education: Statistics on Evacuation. Report No. 57a(1)(D), USSBS Index Section 2 – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション.” n.d. Accessed November 17, 2021.

“Data on Population, Health and Education: General Report in Regard to Politics and the People. Report No. 57a(1)(A), USSBS Index Section 2 – 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション.” n.d. Accessed November 17, 2021.  

United States. United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Urban Areas Division. 1947. The Effects of Air Attack on the City of Nagoya. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Harry He

Zhang, Jihai. “The Residential Wards 理 of Western Han Chang’an.” In Chang’an 26 BCE: An Augustan Age in China, edited by Michael Nylan and Griet Vankeerberghen, 175-200. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015.

Zhao, Gengke. “Urban Migrant Workers in Building a Harmonious Society: A Sample Survey and Analysis of Migrant Workers in Xi’an.” Journal of Xidian University 9, no. 1 (2006): 92-96.

Zhang, Tianhong. “A Tentative Study of the Population of Youzhou City during the Tang Clan Rule (763-907).” Researches in Chinese Economic History 33, no. 1 (2018): 13-29.

Lu Chunlong. “Social Trust and Urban Community Governance in China.” Journal of Central China Normal University 48, no. 3 (2009): 32-38.

Session 14 (Dec.1) Global City Theory

Josephine Kim

Kroger, Markus. “Globalization as the ‘Pulping’ of Landscapes: Forestry Capitalism’s

North-South Territorial Accumulation.” Globalizations 10, no. 6 (2013): 837–53.

Merk, Olaf., Olli-Pekka. Hilmola, and Patrick. Dubarle. “The Competitiveness of Global

Port-Cities: The Case of Helsinki, Finland.” In The Competitiveness of Global

Port-Cities: The Case of Helsinki, Finland. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2012.

Richard Milne. “Helsinki: Feeling the Nokia Effect.”, 2016.

Roper, Stephen, and Seamus Grimes. “Wireless Valley, Silicon Wadi and Digital

island––Helsinki, Tel Aviv and Dublin and the ICT Global Production Network.”

Geoforum 36, no. 3 (2005): 297–313.

“Hyper-capitalism in global information and communication technology (ICT) markets during the late 1990s created a new global production network, shaped by multinational corporations, international capital flows, and a flourishing of high-tech entrepreneurship. Each of the cities considered here benefited substantially from this growth, but their positions as nodes in the ICT global production network differed markedly, as did their ability to appropriate the value they generated.”

Women : Personal Is Political, Local Is Global : Helsinki, Finland, 1998. Woman and Earth

Global Eco-Network, n.d.

Mamonova, Tatyana. 1998. Welcome to Helsinki!. New York: Woman and Earth Global



Rachel Wong

Bunnell, Tim and Michelle Ann Miller. “Jakarta in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Decentralisation, Neo-liberalism and Global City Aspiration.” Space and Polity 15.1 (2011): 35-48.

Coe, Neil M., Peter Dicken, Martin Hess, and Henry Wai-Cheung Yeung. “Making connections: Global Production Networks and World City Networks.” Global Networks 10.1 (2010): 138-149.

Firman, Tommy. “From ‘Global City’ to ‘City of Crisis’: Jakarta Metropolitan Region Under Economic Turmoil.” Habitat International 23.4 (1999): 447-466.

Firman, Timmy. “The restructuring of Jakarta Metropolitan Area: A “global city” in Asia.” Cities 15.4 (1998): 229-243.

Indraprahasta, Galuh Syahbana and Ben Derudder. “World City-ness in a historical perspective: Probing the long-term evolution of the Jakarta metropolitan area.” Habitat International 89 (2019): 1-10.

Thynell, Marie. “Urban inequality in a fragile global city.” In Jakarta: Claiming Spaces and Rights in the City, edited by Jörgen Hellman, Marie Thynell, Roanne van Voorst, 58-74. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Juliana Kogan

Al-Hamarneh, Ala. (2013). “Urban Development in Neoloberal Conditions – e.g. Kiev and Dubai.” Ukrainian Geographical Journal. 2013. 35-39.

Dronova, Olena, and Stanley D. Brunn. “How Neoliberal Globalization Processes Are Transforming Kyiv’s Nodal Areas.” Urbani Izziv, vol. 29, no. 2, Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, 2018, pp. 96–110.

Dronova, Olena, and Eugenia Maruniak. Changing the symbolic language of the urban landscape: Post-socialist transformation in Kyiv. Handbook of the changing world language map. In: Brunn, S. D. & Kehrein, R. (eds.) Dordrecht, Springer, 2018.

Fowler, Mayhill C. “Beyond Ukraine or Little Russia: Going Global with Culture in Ukraine.” Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 34, no. 1/4, [The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute], 2015, pp. 259–84.

William Allgood

Kebede, Kassahun. “Generations Apart: Pre-Immigration Experiences and Transnationalism Among Ethiopian Immigrants in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area.” African Diaspora 9 (2016): 128-157.

Repak, Terry A. “Labor Market Incorporation of Central American Immigrants in Washington, D.C.” Social Problems 41 (1994): 114-128.

Friedman, Samantha, Audrey Singer, Marie Price, and Ivan Cheung. “Race, Immigrants, and Residence: A New Racial Geography of Washington, D.C.” Geographical Review 95 (2005): 210-230.

Ruhao (Amy) Wen

Gritsai, Olga, and Herman van der Wusten. “Moscow and St. Petersburg, A Sequence of

            Capitals, A Tale of Two Cities.” GeoJournal 51, no. 1/2 (2000): 33-45. https://www.


Sahadeo, Jeff. Voices from the Soviet Edge: Southern Migrants in Leningrad and Moscow.

            Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2019.

  • Chapter 1, “Global, Soviet Cities”

Trumbull, Nathaniel S.. “The Impacts of Globalization on St. Petersburg: A Secondary World

            City in from the Cold?” The Annals of Regional Science 37, Issue 3 (2003): 533-546.

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Carla Adams

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